  • 學位論文


The Effects of Fear Appeals in News on College Students’ Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions toward Colorectal Cancer Prevention: A Study on Extended Parallel Process Model in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李秀珠


本研究基於延伸平行處理模型,檢視大腸癌報導之恐懼訴求要素運用會如何影響台灣地區大學生及研究生對於大腸癌防治議題的態度及行為意圖。本研究另外加入訊息涉入度及個體之壓力因應風格兩變項,希冀能提升本研究模型之解釋力。 以兩種研究方法進行本研究。首先,採用內容分析檢視2016年度台灣地區603則大腸癌報導之恐懼訴求要素運用情形,配合焦點團體訪談所得資料挑選高威脅、高效能及低威脅、低效能之新聞報導作為刺激物改寫來源。 主要研究為前—後測準實驗設計,招募台灣中北部地區505位大學生(含研究生)志願參與本研究,共有322位完成前後測問卷。 由資料分析可發現,訊息涉入度可以有效提升受試者對於大腸癌防治之態度及行為意圖的解釋變異量。換言之,本研究發現訊息涉入度為自覺威脅/自覺效能及態度/行為意圖之顯著中介變項。此外,本研究並未發現個體之壓力因應風格可調節受試者態度及行為意圖之結果。換言之,個體之壓力因應風格並非本模型之有效調節變項。


Using the Extended Parallel Process Model (the EPPM) as the theoretical framework, this study examined the effects of fear appeals on college students’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward colorectal cancer prevention. This study added 2 variables, message involvement and recipients’ copying styles, to the EPPM for improving the the predicting power of this model. Two methods were adopted, the first of which was content analysis. This study analyzed news reports on colorectal cancer of Taiwan’s major news media, from which news stories with high threat and high efficacy and news with low threat and low efficacy were selected. The second method was to conduct a pretest-posttest quasi experiement. This study recruited 505 college students and 322 students completed both the pretest and posttest. The data analysis shows that message involvement was able to significantly increase the variances for attitudes and behavioral intentions toward colorectal cancer prevention. In other words, this study found that message involvement was a significant mediator for the relationship between perceived threat /perceived efficacy and attitudes and behavioral intentions. Furthermore, this study did not find that recipients’ coping styles had a moderating effect for attitudes and behavioral intentions.


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