  • 學位論文


A Study on Labor Relation of Food Delivery Platform Driver-Comparative Analysis to the Legal Regulations and Practices in California

指導教授 : 邱羽凡 莊弘鈺


近年來餐飲外送平台業者紛紛進軍我國,以線上訂餐、實體取餐便捷模式成功吸引許多消費者使用,亦有不少工作者投入外送員行列成為新一代的「非典型勞務型態」的從業人員,此一平台經濟下產生之營運模式有別於傳統物流工作者,平台多與外送員簽訂承攬契約,看似為脫離從屬性而具有自由裁量權的工作者,惟可能因脫免勞動法之適用而產生工作者工資過低、工時長、職災賠償責任等問題。勞動部職安署於2019年10月對於市面上9家外送平台進行勞檢調查,對外送員勞動關係為認定,惟此一結果是否於未來為法院所採納,尚待釐清。故在目前我國尚無法院判決可供參考之下,對比平台經濟孕育地之美國加州,不但已有大量且豐富的討論,亦有相關政策與判決可資參酌,故本文參考加州法在勞動關係判斷之上相關判決,與我國勞動法暨實務運作進行比較與對話,進而嘗試定位我國外送平台與外送員間之勞動關係。 本文首先探討餐飲外送平台之營運模式,並以實證研究方法試著了解我國常見Ubereats、Deliveroo和Foodpanda外送平台之外送員工作型態,進而將我國2019年9月以前大多數外送員之工作型態之特點彙整為七大點,將此七項特徵以我國學說與實務所採勞動關係認定標準判斷外送員之勞動身分。其次,以比較法與文獻研究之研究方法來探討美國加州實務對於餐飲外送平台工作者之見解,針對加州關於勞動關係認定的六個判決、一個勞委會裁定以及2019年通過之AB5法案進行研究,將我國與加州實務對於勞動關係認定作一比較與結合,發現美國加州實務上判斷勞動關係所用之各項標準與我國人格與經濟上從屬性之判斷標準有相似之處,且加州實務順應平台經濟人格從屬性較低之勞動情形,對於平台工作者承攬關係之認定相較於我國趨漸嚴格,值得我國參考,故針對此一比較結果,給予此類勞動關係一個認定標準建議。最後比較受僱者與自營作業者於我國法規範中受保護程度與差異,並探討2019年10月至2020年3月期間我國政府增修訂保障外送員作業安全法規範內容和平台業者因應方式,結合前述經由訪談取得外送員之看法,對於承攬人身分外送員之法律保障給予建議,作為後續制定法律的研究依據,以期填補平台經濟下勞動保護之缺漏。


In recent years, more and more food delivery enterprises start business in Taiwan. By O2O business model that ordering online and delivery offline, food delivery enterprises have successfully attracted many consumers to order meals and workers to engage in the delivery service. These food delivery enterprises are different from traditional freight forwarders because most of them sign an independent contract with individual delivery driver, which may cause problems of insufficient labor protection such as low wages, long working hours and lacking of occupational injury compensation. Because of few related judicial cases and articles regarding delivery driver’s labor relation in Taiwan, this article takes California statutes and judicial opinions on labor relation as a reference since there is plenty of discussion, related regulations and cases of atypical worker’s labor relation in California. In chapter II, the article introduces the business model of food delivery companies and their management approaches on delivery drivers by conducting qualitative interview with three delivery drivers of Foodpanda, Ubereats and Deliveroo Inc. Based on qualitative interview and related information collection, the article lists 7 features of food delivery company’s management approach before September 2019, and analyses labor relations between food delivery enterprise and delivery drivers. In chapter III and IV, by carrying out research on California judicial opinions and Assembly Bill 5, the article compares California and Taiwan’s judgement standard on labor relation, and comes up with a suggestion of judgement standard on labor relation with low personal subordination. At last, the article analyses differences of labor protection on employees and self-employed workers from Taiwan’s laws and regulations, discussing related regulations that the government has amended or enacted to ensure delivery workers’ safety from October 2019 to March 2020, and concluding with some advice on the legal protection of self-employed delivery driver to achieve complete labor protection under platform economics.


