  • 學位論文

越南零售電商策略之關鍵成功因素-以 Mobile World合股公司為例

Key Success Factors of E-commerce Strategy for retailers in Vietnam: A case study of Mobile World Joint Stock Company

指導教授 : 黃仕斌


Vietnam with a high proportion of the young and urban population is an attractive market for the retail industry. According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, in 2019, the country's retail sales of goods reached nearly USD 162 billion, equivalent to VND 3,751 trillion, that occupied for 75.9% of the total sale and increased 12.7% compared to 2018 . Although the traditional channels still dominate the good sale with more than 90% of the market, the e-commerce and digital retail channels is one of the top trends in Vietnam. The annual e-commerce growth speed is more than 24% per year due to a significant increase of the number of smartphone users, creating an opportunity for the booming online shopping trend on mobile phones. For every 10 Vietnamese people, there are 8 mobile phone users and 46% of the population own the personal computer. The Internet penetration is estimated to growth regularly with the forecast of 65% for Internet users by 2022 . All these above factors became a driving force for the trend of online shopping in the retail industry. Vietnam's e-commerce market size is estimated to hold the second highest position in South East Asia region, only after Indonesia by 2025. This paper presents a case study of Mobile World JSC - a giant retailer in Vietnam, that implemented a successful e-commerce strategy, and became the enterprise whose the revenue contribution to the total value of the online retail market was largest in Vietnam in 2018 . The purpose of this paper is to explore what specific factors have contributed to Mobile World JSC's success in their e-commerce strategy. In addition, some interviews will be conducted. From collected and analyzed data, a successful e-commerce strategy framework for retailers in Vietnam will be given.


戰略 電子商務 零售商 越南 成功因素


In recent years, Vietnam became one of the most significant growth markets for B2C e-commerce in Southeast Asia with a compound annual growth rate of 32.3% from 2013 to 2017. The annual e-commerce growth speed is more than 24% per year due to a significant increase of the number of smartphone users, creating an opportunity for the booming of online shopping trend on mobile phones. Vietnam's e-commerce market size is estimated to hold the second highest position in South East Asia region, only after Indonesia. Therefore, the e-commerce and digital retail channels is one of the top trends in Vietnam. However, it is also a fierce competition playground. Recent years have witnessed many transformation of retailers towards e-commerce. However, there was many enterprises which invested a huge amount of money in e-commerce had to stop the race. This research bases on the secondary data collected from different sources such as academic journals and paper, consulting company's research and survey, governmental announcement, official government data, articles from reputable press, company website, and the qualitative data from the interviews... a deductive research approach was applied to identify the key success factors of an e-commerce strategy in Vietnam. After analyzing all the data, 7 key success factors of e-commerce strategy for retailers in Vietnam were determined, including: leadership, organizational structure, IT requirement, Sale/Marketing strategy, supply chain, customer service, and retail space/real estate.


e-commerce strategy retailer Vietnam key success factors


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