  • 學位論文


A Study of Intention to Use Instant Messenger - Skype Based on Technology Acceptance Model

指導教授 : 李小梅


近年來,創新科技的迅速發展使得電腦網路在日常生活以及企業經營上已然成為不可或缺的角色。「即時通訊軟體」(Instant Messenger;IM)正是符合現今網路用戶需求之科技。而在競爭激烈的即時通訊軟體市場中,Skype挾其高品質語音通訊水準及低費率之優勢,在短短兩年間迅速竄起,一躍成為微軟及雅虎不得不正視之競爭對手。在軟體間無法互通的限制之下,各家業者莫不希望能爭取最多之使用者加入其網路社群。因此,若能以Skype為主軸探討其競爭優勢,瞭解影響網路用戶對於即時通訊軟體使用意圖的因素,將有助於軟體經營業者從事進一步的改善,以吸引更多使用者。 Skype即時通訊軟體不僅為一創新資訊科技,亦是人們間用來進行溝通的媒體載具,基於此,本研究主體以Davis et al.(1989)所提出「科技接受模式」為主要架構,輔以「期望確認理論」及「使用與滿足理論」針對Skype即時通訊軟體的持續使用意圖進行探討。歸納出其持續使用意圖可能會受到使用者對於Skype的「態度」及感受到的「主觀規範」所影響,而「態度」又會受到「滿意度」、「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」及「產品特質」等動機因子所影響。綜合以上變數,形成本研究之概念性模型。 本研究針對具備Skype使用經驗者進行網路問卷施測,有效問卷計302份,經過結構方程式以及迴歸模式檢驗後,其實證結果如下: 1. 使用者對Skype之態度及感受之主觀規範顯著影響其持續使用意圖。 2. 除產品特質中的連線速度外,滿意度、認知有用性、認知易用性及Skype產品特質中的服務成本和認知表達性為主要影響其態度的因素,在實證結果皆獲得正向顯著支持。 3. 在眾多因素中,各因素對於態度及持續使用意圖的影響力以使用者的滿意度為首,而產品特質中的認知表達性次之,影響程度最小者為認知易用性。 4. 認知有用性、服務成本及認知表達性係透過態度之中介關係影響使用者對於Skype之持續使用意圖。


Due to the rapid development of computer technology, Instant Messenger has become a popular software among internet users. Skype out stands the IM market with its high quality of voice communication and low cost, while at the same time, it acquires lots of users joining in. The main purpose of this study is to identify the major factors influencing customers’intention to use the software. The research model is constructed based on the TAM theory proposed by Davis et al.(1989), the Expectation- Confirmation Theory and Uses and Gratification theory, which state that attitude and subjective norms mainly influence the intention to use. In addition, motivation factors such as satisfaction, perceived usefulness, ease of use and product characteristics, have strong impact on attitude. Online surveys were used to complete the data collection session and among them, 302 samples were used for analysis. According to the results of SEM and regression model, attitude and subjective norms have a direct and positive effect on the intention to use. Moreover, satisfaction, perceived usefulness, ease of use and product characteristics (except connection speed) mainly influence customer’s attitude, with satisfaction having the greatest impact. At last, attitude played the role of a mediator between the relationship of perceived usefulness, service costs, and perceived expressiveness toward the intention to use.


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