  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 范錚強


隨著全球化產業佈局與分工之趨勢演進及企業經營環境與策略的快速變化,「委外合作關係」已是當前資訊管理學域中,最為重要的研究方向之一,「信任」(trust)則是在委外合作關係的相關研究中,最為學者關心與重視的主要課題。為了探討影響使用者對委外廠商信任之因素與變動情況,本研究採用「初始信任」與「階段信任」等相關理論為基礎,並選擇「個人信任傾向」、「體制因素」、「認知線索」、「互動過程」、與「專案成果」作為因素構面,藉以建構本研究之研究模型與相關假說。研究問題包括委外系統導入前後兩階段,影響使用者對委外廠商「信任」的因素,及委外專案中,「初始信任」對「後續信任」的影響。 為達成以上目的,確實觀察兩階段信任的變化,並透過時序間隔之效果,來加強研究之因果關係推論與內部效度,本研究在研究設計上,採取「系統導入前」與「系統導入後」兩階段不同時點的資料收集方式,透過判斷抽樣選取9個公民營單位中,13個資訊系統委外專案的成員與使用者,作為樣本進行問卷調查,並以探索性因素分析、配對T檢定、因徑分析(path analysis)等統計方法,來檢定量表品質與各項研究假說,以及整體研究模型間實質關係的顯著性。 經過以上之資料分析後,本研究15項研究假說中,共12項獲得支持,3項未獲支持,在影響初始信任的因素方面,人性信仰、信任觀、商譽、合約完整均有顯著影響,其中以商譽的影響最大;影響後續信任的因素方面,溝通品質、心理產出,系統品質均有顯著影響,其中以系統品質的影響最大。由以上結果發現,本研究所採用之因素大多與相關理論與觀點符合,亦即對資訊系統委外情境之信任形成,具有相當程度的解釋能力。 3項未獲支持的因素方面,除情境正常可能因委外交易情境不適合未獲支持外;另外兩項未獲支持的假說,經進一步分析均發現其具備有顯著的間接影響效果,亦即發現初始信任對後續信任、系統品質的直接效果雖然並未顯著,但透過溝通品質、心理產出的間接效果卻有顯著影響,這種「完中中介」(Full Mediation) 的關係,在理論與實務上均具有相當的意義。最後,本研究為綜合研究結果提出建議,以做為資訊系統委外專案管理相關研究與實務管理之參考,並說明研究限制及未來的研究方向。


The role of trust over the evolution of IS outsourcing relationship is of significance to the fields of information management. However, the dynamic nature of trust in these types of relationships has little been subjected to rigorous empirical examination in the literature. Therefore, this dissertation attempts to fill this void by examining the determinants and consequences of trust between users and vendors of IS outsourcing services at two phases (initial trust phase, subsequent trust phase). The theoretical framework integrates previous research findings from trust, project management, and psychology literature. In particular, the dissertation examines the dynamic nature of trust across deferent transitional phases encountered during these relationships. A survey instrument is developed, and administered to collect information from users of 13 IS outsourcing projects. The theoretical model was analyzed using path analysis. The results support 12 of the hypothesized relationships between the determinants and consequences of trust. Data analysis reveled that initial trust was influenced by faith in humanity, trusting stance, reputation, and contract completeness. Subsequent trust was influenced by communication quality, system quality and psychosocial outcome. In particular, an indirect effect(full mediation) of initial trust on subsequent trust via communication quality, system quality, psychosocial outcome was found. The implications and suggestions of this study are discussed. Contributions of this research to information system management include a deepened understanding of the process of trust formation and maintenance within IS outsourcing setting, an examination of the multidimensionality of the trust construct. In addition, this research should provide guidelines for IS vendors involved in these types of relationships to influence trust formation within their relationships.


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