  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


台灣地狹人稠,由於生產要素土地、人力的成本高漲,台灣連接器業者整合產業鏈上下游以及大陸市場的潛力,陸續將生產力轉移至中國大陸。當電腦產業進入成熟期,台灣的連接產業也產生了單一產品的風險,於是台灣連接器業者開始進入其他新興的產品市場,朝向高階的連接器產品發展。 由於連接器下游業者為了尋求穩定的連接器供應廠商以及降低全球供應鏈的繁瑣,因此不斷的減少供應商的數目。此時,連接器廠商的規模、全方位的服務以及全球性的供貨地點已經成為業者選擇連接器廠商的重要因素。由於台灣中小企業資本額不足,因此許多業者選擇策略聯盟或合併等方式,以提昇企業的競爭優勢。 本研究主要探討個案公司策略聯盟的方式。個案公司利用策略聯盟加強本身的研發能力,並增加產品品項,建立生產聯盟以取得採購物料的規模經濟,並規劃共同生產計畫以發揮聯盟效益。在績效評估方面,個案公司利用主觀性指標如「夥伴表現滿意度」,客觀性指標如「營業額」、「營業毛利率」、「市場成長率」以及「聯盟持續時間」作為聯盟績效的評估。 在聯盟的過程中發生了許多問題,本研究針對各點也提出了改善的意見(1)在產品別方面,個案公司現階段應該利用中低階產品填補產能,並加強研發能力,積極開發高階產品。(2)區域市場方面,需針對國際大廠在各區域發生的問題提出合作方式。(3)專利方面,需及早開始培養專利法務人員,藉由資訊系統的協助避免與國際大廠產生衝突。(4)資訊共享方面,可以使用滾動預測的方式,建立良好的資訊交換。 最後本研究根據目前的產業環境,以及台灣連接器企業者的內部資源,提出四點業者在現階段以及未來可以進行的發展方向(1)增加研發能力進入高階連接器市場。(2)汽車連接器是未來的發展重點。(3)利用策略聯盟彌補資本額的不足(4)利用併購擴張企業領域。


Due to limited land resources, dense population, rising costs of land and human resources, connector manufacturers in Taiwan have in succession transferred their production to Mainland China to integrate the upstream and downstream functions of the whole industry chain with the potential of the mainland market. As the computer industry matures, the risk of having one single product also emerges in the connector industry of Taiwan. Those connector manufacturers thus start to develop other newly-emerged product markets, to move toward advanced connector products. Since the manufacturers in the downstream of connectors attempt to seek reliable suppliers and streamline the global supply chain, the number of suppliers is being reduced gradually. At present the scale, all-round service, and global supplying sites of connector manufacturers have become important factors concerning the selection of connector manufacturers. Since small-and-middle-sized enterprises in Taiwan lack capital, many of them choose to form strategic alliances or mergers to improve their competitive edge. This paper focuses on the method of strategic alliance by making case studies. The companies in the case study enhance their Research and Development competence, increase product varieties on the basis of the strategic alliance, set up production alliances to achieve the scale economy of material procurement and plan their production jointly to enhance the efficiency of their alliance. On the performance evaluation, they evaluate the performance of their alliance on the basis of subjective indicators such as Partnership Satisfaction and objective indicators such as Turnover, Rate of Gross Profit, Market Growth Rate, and Alliance Duration. Since many problems occurred in the allying process, the research proposes to improve in the following aspects: (1) On product variety, the companies currently should fill up production capacity with low and middle-ranking products, boost R&D competence, and develop high-ranking products. (2) On the regional market, they should propose their cooperation mode on the basis of issues with international giant manufacturers arising in each region. (3) On patents, they should start to train legal personnel on patents and aided by the information systems try to avoid conflicts with the international giants. . (4) On information sharing, they can establish information exchange mechanism in the form of rolling forecasts. In the final part, the research, proceeding from the current industry environment and the internal resources of connector manufacturers in Taiwan, gives four suggestions for their development now and in the future: (1) Enhance Research and Development to enter into the high-ranking connector market. (2) Automobile connectors are their key development. (3) Make up capital deficiency using strategic alliances, and (4) Expand their scope by amalgamation and mergers.


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