  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林子銘


PHS手機產業鏈當中的手機軟體開發公司,從PHS晶片組與PHS手機生產商以及PHS系統運營商之間的橋樑,舉凡每一個電子零組件與系統之間的驅動軟體,或是作業系統平台以及應用軟體都需要用到軟體作為其媒介以及靈魂貫穿整個手機系統,最終得以讓科技始於人性。在手機系統與營運商兩者間,也更需要軟體作為溝通平台,通過手機的通訊協定實現手機與營運商伺服平台的協議,讓手機系統能與世界上任一點即時的進行通訊與溝通。 由於PHS手機終端產品也跟其他手機系統一樣的隨著流行而快速汰換,企業面臨的競爭在於產品週期短而多元化,手機軟體必須更快速應變以符合市場需求。在種種微利競爭的壓力下,使得手機軟體多樣化與縮短開發期成為手機軟體開發公司的一個重要課題。 中國以低生產成本的IT產品享譽全世界,成為推動中國手機成長的另一劑強心針。然而在PHS手機相關產品的帯動之下,PHS手機方案開發公司也開始從事各式各樣的PHS手機成品與PHS手機模組的生產製造,不但使PHS手機產業在中國通訊市場佔據重要的地位之一,也使中國的通訊市場生氣篷勃。 PHS手機已成為中國通訊產業中產值非常大的產業之一 ,手機產業競爭力分析在過去已被廣泛的討論與研究過,對手機相關經營策略的研究個案也有過,但是對手機軟體開發公司的競爭力分析個案卻不多。本研究期望以較專業性的角度,對此產業做較深入的探討,發掘問題並提供建設性的策略建議,為手機軟體產業發掘較多的機會並創造持續的競爭力,或是利用自身的優勢儘早地轉移至價值鏈的其他位置。


In PHS-phone business, the software developing companies help to develop the operating systems and application software for the cellular phone IC, thus make the phone’s function become user-friendly and versatile. In brief, the software developing companies are part of the value chains in the PHS-phone business. It is the bridge among communication IC manufacturers, PHS manufacturers and PHS operators. Software makes PHS-phone an effective real time communication tool. However, the PHS-phone is changing constantly by fashionable demand, and the life cycle of the PHS-phone is short. In such a volatile environment, the software companies need to react swiftly to meet the customer''s demands. How to diversify their operational risks and reduce development schedule, are major considerations of theses business. PHS-phone market is rising up quickly in China due to its low cost of communication, and low cost of the PHS-phones. In recently years, PHS business value in China is very big; however there is very little, if any, research as regards to the strategic analysis of software developers in PHS-phone. This research tries to collect historical data and also based own researcher’s personal business experience to do analyze PHS market in China. Furthermore, this study proposes a strategic direction for current PHS-Phone software developers.


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