  • 學位論文


The research of turnover intention for IT service stationed workers - Case of a IT service provider

指導教授 : 李小梅


近年來,部分企業欲專注於本身的核心事業,因此將部份業務進行委外管理。然而,在各類研究與調查的報導中,大多將焦點集中於企業導入委外服務後可能面臨的影響,然而對提供服務的廠商幾乎未曾討論。 因此,本研究從資訊委外服務供應商的角度,來了解當公司承接資訊委外業務時,對外派駐點的人員,是否會造成離職傾向上的變化?有哪些原因會造成離職傾向的變化?也希望藉此了解委外服務供應廠商可以有哪些措施來解決駐外人員的需求。 為達上述目的,本研究採取深度訪談的方式進行。並對個案公司十位外派駐點的資訊人員進行訪談,蒐集資料。此外,本研究以雙因子理論為基礎,並參考Price & Mueller離職因果模式,來歸納直接影響駐外人員離職傾向之相關因素。 從研究結果中發現,會影響到駐外人員的離職傾向的因素主要依序有工作成就感、工作環境、自我成長機會、工作津貼與薪資。但需注意的是會選擇薪資項目者,均是因為在其他因素無法獲得滿足後才會選擇薪資。 根據研究發現,本研究提出下列幾點建議供個案公司參考: 1.增訂駐外人員專屬管理規章,以符合現況增加業務執行效率。 2.建立定期輪調制度與鼓勵在職進修,藉此增加學習成長的機會,降低倦怠感。 3.增訂駐外人員回任機制,消除駐外人員的不安與提高工作意願。 4.放寬車馬補助的限制,考量駐外人員交通方式的差異性。 5.拓展不同產業的委外業務,提高委外業務營收。


In recent years, some enterprises focused on their core business, therefore some affairs were commended to IT service provider to manage, that is IT Outsourcing. However, in each kind of the researches and the investigations featured the influence which the institute possibly to face, IT service provider was rarely to be discussed. This research is going to find out which reasons led stationed workers to change their turnover intention, when IT service provider have received outsourcing business and detached stationed workers to customer company. For the purpose, this research applied the method of interview to collect data from 10 detached workers of the case company. Besides, this research used Two-Factors Theory as study base, and refers to Price & Mueller(1981) turnover causal model to analyze interview data. Based on the analysis, we found that causes of impacting turnover intention were job achievements、job ambiance、self-growth、allowances and salary. Additionally, we should pay attention to salary item; unless other causes could not be satisfied, they would not select salary item. According to this research, our suggestions are that: 1.IT service provider company should make rules just to let stationed workers feel being respected. 2.Planning educational training and changing different customer company after one or two years to avoid the condition of lower job achievements. 3.For excellent stationed worker, IT service provider company should promise to employ if customer didn’t continue a contract. 4.IT service provider company should offer stationed workers more flexible policy for traffic allowances application, in consideration of the special transportation need for the stationed workers. 5.IT service provider could develop its different business fields to raise the company’s revenues.


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