  • 學位論文

外包商評選模式之研究 -以TFT LCD中小尺寸面板產業為例

The researches on the measurement model for selecting outsourcing manufactures - For small and medium size panels of TFT-LCD industry

指導教授 : 何應欽


TFT-LCD中小尺寸面板因消費性電子產品的快速發展,多家業者積極佈局及投入生產行列,期能在TFT-LCD中小產品中搶得一席之地,並透過委外代工之方式生產中小尺寸面板,減少設備、資本支出及降低生產營運風險、增加生產彈性調配及快速取得外包商的生產能力及技術,以有效降低生產成本,快速投入中小面板市場,以提高競爭優勢。 有鑒於目前TFT-LCD中小尺寸產品委外產能評鑑之學術研究不多,且多數靠過去產業經驗累積而來,故本研究籍由搜集相關委外代工之參考文獻及與TFT-LCD產業相關特性作為研究之主要架構,進而再與TFT-LCD產業生產製造廠管理者以不同角色進行深度訪談及調查,籍由實際驗證之研究方法,建立一套適用於TFT-LCD中小尺寸產業外包評選指標衡量之模式。 依本研究方法及流程,最終建立起TFT-LCD中小尺寸產業外包評選模式,並藉由個案之驗証,証明本研究於個案之驗証結果中具有一致性、實用性及有效性。期望本此研究能對台灣TFT-LCD中小尺寸產業於外包評選模式之研究能有所貢獻。


TFT-LCD 中小尺寸面反 代工 外包商


With the rapid development of consumer electronics, nowadays, the small and medium size panel of TFT-LCD becomes the key product for many aggressive manufacturers.to have a key position in the relevant markets. To be more competitive, they produce small and medium size panels through OEM by decreasing the facility cost and expenditure on capital, lower the risks of production and operation, increasing production flexible allocation , and rapidly acquiring the production ability and technology from contractors. Given the fact that at present time, there are still very limited academic researches on the evaluations of small and medium size panels of TFT-LCD by OEM manufacturers, which were mostly from the industry experience. Therefore, researching previous studies on the TFT-LCD manufacturers and the distinction of the particular industry would be the frame and key structure of my study, and further interviews with the TFT-LCD manufacturers’ mangers from different positions would be also included. A model of measureing and evaluating TFT-LCD manufacturers would be established by the study method. Based on the measurement established by the study, the measure model will be established to evaluate the TFT-LCD OEM manufacturers. Also, it is confirmed that the result is accordable, practicle and available by the measurement. Hopefully, the study could provide its contribution to the TFT-LCD industry on the OEM manufacturers’ selection and evaluation.


small and medium size panels OEM TFT-LCD contractor


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