  • 學位論文


On Becoming a Tele-facilitator—A Community Perspective

指導教授 : 陳斐卿


在社群中生活,總會不時地遭逢身分的轉換,在網路社群中亦然。當一個網路社群具有高度的「真實性」,而非只是經由「設計」存在時,參與者在社群中所面臨的身分轉換益發值得研究。從文獻與研究田野中亦凸顯參與者在歷經不同的身分時,會因應自己的身分而轉化能力。本研究立基於此,欲以「能力轉化」為探針,探尋在網路學習情境中,從學習者轉換為鷹架者身分時的學習內涵。 學習無法脫離於情境。不同於習得典範中認為學習是「從生手成為專家」的認知改變歷程,本研究從參與典範出發,欲帶入社群觀點,將網路社群的情境以及各種學習資源納入,將「新手/老手」的概念置入社群中,取代「生手/專家」看似站在天秤兩端的概念作為本研究的切入點,探討「從新手成為老手」的社會性學習歷程。 本文的研究對象為十位在網路社群中從學習者轉變為原社群的鷹架者。欲透過情境學習的合法周邊參與作為分析的架構,再輔以Wenger的實踐社群理論中的概念,分析過去的學習經驗對於「學習者轉化(becoming) 成為鷹架者」的影響。以三個面向分析:(1)從學習者成為鷹架者的航道展演;(2)學習者過去經驗的實踐知識與「成為鷹架者」學習實踐的連結;以及(3)身分的轉變對於跨越不同社群所產生的「多重成員性」。揭露在意欲朝向新身分時,與舊身分進行的拉扯與對抗所交織的衝突與矛盾,以及在離何處境中所迸生的學習內涵。


Learning is assumed to be the outcome of teaching. Much learning in after school extra-activities is informal, social in nature, and unfamiliar with most of the school-bound students. It takes place in social groups engaged in a community of practice. One model for considering the learning that take place in social groups is Wenger''s concept of communities of practice. In a community of practice, learning, practice, and identity are intertwined. The purpose of this study was to investigate how learners in a community shift their earlier role as learners to current role as tele-facilitators. Ten novice tele-facilitators aged from eighteen to twenty were investigated for their experiences of facilitating groups respectively during a six-week online inquiry-based learning activities. We build from Lave and Wenger’s Situated Learning-Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Wenger’s Communities of Practice to analysis. Data analysis revealed (a) a trajectory of participation representing movement from learners toward facilitators; (b) learning in practice that is experiential, that combines knowledge of being learners as well as becoming tele-facilitators, and that is quite often in contrast with each other; and (c) an identifiable process of multi-membership development in becoming a novice tele-facilitator. Learning is thus a social practice in becoming a member in tele-facilitator.


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