  • 學位論文

虛擬社群成員再訪意圖之探討-以 Fashion Guide 社群為例

A study on the revisit intention of virtual community members -- the case of Fashion Guide.

指導教授 : 宋鎧


隨著網路世界蓬勃發展,虛擬社群網站大量出現,成為消費者資訊來源的主要管道之一,也帶來了相當驚人的周邊效益。因此如何吸引更多使用者前來,如何讓有使用經驗的網路使用者願意再來,的確是虛擬社群經營者持續思索的方向,而當中以美容時尚為主的虛擬社群Fashion Guide也面臨同樣的問題。 本研究結合了「慎思行動理論」與「動機理論」,並考慮研究情境為「虛擬社群」,因而加入了虛擬社群意識的概念來探討虛擬社群成員的再訪意圖。此外,本研究採用受訪者的來訪頻率及停留時間衡量其再訪行為。研究透過與Fashion Guide合作,針對參與在Fashion Guide的社群成員們進行問卷調查。研究結果顯示,在虛擬社群當中,成員的虛擬社群意識會影響其對社群正負面的評價,態度、主觀規範及期望報酬影響再訪意圖,並透過意圖影響再訪行為;但期望報酬並不會影響受訪者的再訪意圖。 這說明了本研究的架構確實能有效的解釋在虛擬社群的情境下,內在動機中的態度與虛擬社群意識,以及外在動機中的主觀規範,是使用者願意持續訪問該社群網站的原因。因此虛擬社群網站經營者應設法建立虛擬社群成員的歸屬感、提供沉浸的誘因、取得參與者及其週遭的人認同,使得社群成員會更願意持續來拜訪此虛擬社群網站。


As the Internet continues to proliferate during the past decades, its usage in social interactions escalated, resulting in many virtual communities in the World Wide Web. Apart from social interactions, virtual communities have also become an important channel for customers searching for information, benefiting both sellers and buyers. An important factor for virtual communities is to have many members that visit the site frequently and spend much time on the site. How can a virtual community attracts members and lure them to revisit the site frequently becomes an issue for its managers. Fashion Guide, which is a major virtual community dot.com company, is also faced with the problem. This research attempts to gain an insight into the problem be employing the Theory of Reasoned Actions (TRA) and the motivation theory. Since the research context is virtual community, the sense of virtual community is added to TRA to explore the virtual community members’ intention to revisit. Results showed that user’s sense of virtual community will affect the attitude to the web site. The attitude toward the web site and subjective norm in turn affect the intention to revisit. Finally, intention to revisit will affect revisit behavior. However, we did not find any evidence to support the effects of reward on intention to revisit.


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