  • 學位論文

Icon吸引力 - 以圖標屬性與情感、主觀熟悉之影響探討

The Attraction of Icon - A Study on Icon Attributes with Affective Reaction and Subjective Familiarity

指導教授 : 粟四維


現今市場上對於App的應用需求相當多元,這也使得市場上充斥著琳瑯滿目的App供消費者選擇。然而,如何讓所開發的App能成功地吸引使用者的目光,進而能在眾多的App中脫穎而出。這時,作為App的門面「圖標」(Icon),就扮演著極為重要的角色。當人們在非特定搜尋之心態下,Icon不僅能讓使用者產生良好的第一印象,更能成功地將使用者的注意力停留在該App上,進而對該App充滿好奇,最後才能進一步點選下載以及使用。 因此,本研究採取實驗設計法去探究何種Icon之圖標設計屬性:活躍性(Active)、平衡性(Balance)、複雜性(Complexity)、深度性(Depth)以及有機性(Organic)能更容易吸引使用者的目光。並針對12項App類別,試圖探索出各項類別中Icon的關鍵設計屬性,以及探討使用者對不同Icon產生的情感影響(Affect)和主觀熟悉感(Subjective Familiarity)是否會左右Icon的吸引力排名。本研究希望藉由各項App類別中Icon的關鍵設計屬性,來引發圖標給予使用者的情感影響與主觀熟悉感,並提升圖標對於使用者的吸引力,如此一來,開發商在設計不同App類別之Icon時便能以此做為設計的參考準則。


Two prominent app markets are Android’s Google Play and Apple’s App Store. They are full of apps now. However, how do customers make selections from among millions of apps? At this time, icon which is the App facade plays an important role. Icon can let users have a wonderful first impression and let them pay attention to the App when users in the mind of the unspecific search. Then they will curious about the App and further to download and use the App. Therefore, this study adopts the experimental design to explore which icon’s design attributes: active, balance, complexity, depth and organic can be more easily attract the user’s attention. For different App categories, trying to explore the critical design attributes of the icon, and explore whether the affective reaction and subjective familiarity of user generated from different icon will affect the attractiveness ranking. For different App categories, the criteria attributes of the icon can enhance the affective reaction and subjective familiarity which icon gives to the users and also make the icon has a stronger attraction to the user. Furthermore, App’s developers will be able to use the preferred criteria attributes as a reference when designing different categories of App’s icon.




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吳宗達(2015)。Icon設計屬性吸引力與 情感、支配性認知、意義性認知之影響探討以匈牙利樣本為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512055446
