  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝定亞




缺工 勞動力 工種 營造業


Worker shortage in Taiwan’s construction industry is a well-accepted phenomenon in recent years, but this perception is still rather abstract. Those who participate in the construction industry may know better, but this is still limited to partial observation. So far, no studies or statistics are sufficient to present the specific data, such as the labor force, the age distribution, the different technical abilities in every construction trade, as well as the shortage in different geographical regions of Taiwan. Weighing between the common perception and the lack of hard data of the labor shortage in construction, totally understand the real situation and figure out the suitable solutions. This study will conduct in-depth interviews and questionnaires to investigate this issue on different parts of Taiwan. And then the results of the in-depth interviews and questionnaires will be compiled. The result is that except for the trades of scaffold and plumbers (i.e. fire control), other trades have big problem in worker shortage and age gaps. All kinds of trades which research in this paper have low work-changing tendency, but high turnover rates. According to the 4 regions which divide the west of Taiwan, the issue of worker shortage and age gaps is the most seriously, except Yunlin and Chiayi. This research also collects the length of training which is needed for a competent trade worker. Also, there is a structural problem that Taiwan’s construction industry does not have an adequate worker training and recruitment programs. It seems, from the perspective of this study, the government does not pay enough attention on this eminent problem. The aboriginals which have great social network have populated Taiwan’s construction sites. This research also discusses about how worker shortage would affect the quality and duration especially for reinforced and formwork workers.


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