  • 學位論文


Research on the Business Difficulties and Corresponding Strategies for Taiwan small-and-medium-sized Construction Industry

指導教授 : 黎正中


中 文 摘 要 營造產業是國家經濟建設的主要基礎,它不僅和國計民生有密不可分的關係,並且牽動著其他產業的發展,此波全球經濟危機中各國政府為挽救本國經濟危機,無不投入龐大金額進行國內各項重大公共工程之建設;台灣政府亦在各項搶救經濟方案中,多次宣示公共建設投資的重要性及必要性。 台灣營造業長久以來弊病重重,加上政府於民國82年任意修改『營造業管理規則』第七條第三款之規定,草率的將「工地主任」納入丙級營造廠之專任工程人員資格,導致台灣營造廠家數急速增加;而政府有關機關又未有效的輔導及管理,致使台灣營造產業環境錯綜複雜,也造成了業界間惡性削價競標之種種不合理現象。 營造業一向被稱為“火車頭工業”,是國家經濟發展指標中重要的一環,並承擔國家土木建築基本建設任務,除與經濟景氣有密切關係,更攸關一般民眾生命財產安全。現況營造業的市場逐漸縮小但從業廠商卻不斷增加,市場競爭促使施工造價的降低,但!競爭的結果導致工程品質的降低及利潤減少,而競爭增加的因素也直接犧牲了營造業施工安全設備與維護,致使台灣營造業的傷亡率居高不下。 本研究希望藉由對台灣中小營造業的產業特性分析,及經營困境之探討,進而針對台灣中小型營造業體質的各項缺失,及政府不合時宜的法令進行研究,並提出改善辦法及因應對策,期以對台灣中小型營造業的未來發展有所助益。


Abstract The construction industry is the main foundation of national economy .It is not only closely related to people's livelihood, but also affects the development of other industries. Under this global economic turbulence, all governments rush to save their countries and invest huge amount of capitals to support public works. The Taiwan government, among various economic stimulus plans, has also announced the importance and the necessity to invest in public engineering projects. Taiwan's construction industry has long been tainted with malpractice. In addition ,the government amended the 7th Chapter 3rd Article of“The construction industry management rule”rashly in 1993 for accepting“The Construction site director” to become the qualified professional of the C-class construction firms .It boosted the number of construction companies rapidly in Taiwan. Meanwhile the Government departments did not effectively guide and manage these companies, making the entire industry environment ever more complicated, ultimately leading to irrational phenomenon such as malignant price competition during project bidding process. Construction industry has always been known as the "locomotive industry". It is one of the most important economic development indexes, and assumes the implementation of civil engineering infrastructure. In addition to the economy, it closely relate to the people's daily life, welfare and property. Nowadays, the market size of construction industry is getting smaller and smaller, but the number of construction companies is increasing. Finally, keen competition force construction corporations to have significant reduction on the construction cost, as a consequence, the quality and safety is not properly and sufficiently addressed because the profit of construction industry continue to decline. It is a catch-22 problem and does sacrifice the safety of construction workers due to improper equipment maintenance - the severe price war resulted in high injury rate in construction industry. This research examines the specific characteristics of the Taiwan SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) construction industry, analyzes the operational difficulties, focusing on the flaws within company operation, outdated Government policies, then proposes an improvement plan and countermeasures, with the hope to bring positive benefit to the long term development of the SMEs construction industry in Taiwan.


15.吳濟華 何柏正 黃元璋,臺灣地區營造業營運績效與經營策略,
2. Porter (1980) ─“Competitive Strategy”


