  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Knowledge Transferring and Performance of Outsourcing Project ─ For Example with a Project Development of Company P

指導教授 : 范懿文


公司資訊部門常需要面對針對資訊科技的技術能力進行提升,或專注於業務面的專業智能精進,無法兼顧的兩難。若資訊團隊僅專注在專業智能的發展與精進,將專案開發全由委外廠商進行,卻忽略了技術能力的強化,乃至專案上線後的維運亦委由委外廠商進行,這不僅是把公司資訊處理能力給了委外廠商,也變相的把公司擁有的專業智能給了委外廠商。若未來合作的模式改變,或委外廠商的異動,公司業務將可能連帶受到影響,甚至造成傷害,因此學術界及實務界都非常重視資訊單位如何精進專業智能之餘,同時能對資訊技術能力進行強化之議題。 本研究以個案研究法,探討P公司在專案開發過程中,透過部分委外的方式進行開發,探討知識移轉的過程與方式。在專案開發過程中,公司內部人員,如何與委外廠商進行合作,並將委外公司的技術知識轉化為P公司內部的知識,且透過取得的知識,繼續完成往後的專案開發。研究發現透過知識移轉的過程,將知識由隱性知識轉為顯性知識,再轉為隱性知識,意即將存在於技術人員的隱性知識轉為大量的文件規範的顯性知識,透過這些文件研讀與傳承,提升公司內部人員的技術能力,而在能力提升後,轉為開發能量,進行內部自行開發。


It is a difficult challenge for most IT departments not only to enhance the information technological capacity, but also to enhance the operational capacity. If IT departments outsource is projects for the concentration of domain know-how, they might lose capacity of advanced information technology, and even teach their domain know-how to vendors. Then, it is possible that IT departments can’t do their jobs well if vendors or cooperation models change. Therefore, both academics and practice emphasize the importance of knowledge transferring in outsourcing projects. This case study investigates the process of knowledge transferring by reviewing outsourcing projects of company P. This study found that the knowledge could be transferred in project members through formal documents. According to this case study, the process of knowledge transferring could take few projects or few years, for example, it took four projects, two to three years, for IT Department in company P to give information technology capacity from outsourcing projects.


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