  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


由於國家受全球化的影響且網路科技迅速發展,使市場競爭日趨激烈,因此物流產業為了因應這種變化,必須找出更有效率的作業模式,以符合消費市場的需求,並提供顧客更高的服務水準與品質。因此若是能使用恰當的作業策略來降低從進貨到出貨的作業時間與成本,這對提升物流中心的運作效率將有非常顯著之影響。 越庫作業為物流作業中的一種策略,是指在越庫設施上接收各供應商的整車貨物後,立即依顧客需求加以拆解、分類及堆放,最後裝上前來載取的卡車,送往顧客所要求的交貨地點;其中,所有品項均不需進貨檢驗,也不需儲存於物流中心。如此便可使品項從進貨到出貨的時間最小化,因此越庫作業特別適合需要快速處理的緊急訂單,且適合須將商品直接送到零售商的情況。 本研究針對使用配銷商型越庫(Distributor Cross Docking)之物流中心所延伸出的三種決策問題進行探討,分別為訂單選取問題、理貨區儲存格分配問題,與理貨區服務問題,並分別提出相對應的訂單選取法則、理貨區儲存格分配法則,與理貨區服務法則,再利用模擬實驗所得到的數據,比較在此環境下揀貨作業的準時率、總延後時間(Total Tardiness)、總系統執行時間(Total System Time)與總理貨旅行距離,以判斷哪種因子組合對揀貨作業效率有較顯著的提升。


Because our country has impacted by globalization, and the network is growing fast, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce. For those reasons, the logistics industry has to find an operation mode which was more effective to conform to the demands of consumer market, and provide a higher level and quality to customers. Thus, reducing the operation time and costs from receiving to shipping by using appropriate operation strategy will significantly impact the effectiveness of logistic center. Cross docking is one of the strategies of logistics operations. It means that people receiving goods on the cross docking facilities, then splitting, classifying, and stacking by customer needs. After that, the goods will be loaded on trucks and delivered to delivery places which were requested by the customers. For this strategy, all items haven’t to do receiving inspection or stored in logistics center. Thus, the time from receiving to shipping can be minimized. For those characteristics, cross docking is particularly suitable for urgent orders and the condition which suppliers have to deliver the goods to retailers directly. This research aims to three issues of Distributor Cross Docking, which were order selection problem, cell of tally area assigning problem, and tally area serving problem, and respectively proposes order selection rule, cell of tally area assigning rule, and tally area serving rule. Finally, in this environment, comparing the data by On-time Delivery Rate, Total Tardiness, Total System Time, and Total Picking Distance, which were obtained by simulation experiments, to know which combination of the rules will performs better.


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