  • 學位論文

印刷電路板產業經營管理與發展策略之 個案分析-以志超科技為例

Business and Expansion Strategies of Taiwanese PCB Company – A Case Study of Techvest Co.

指導教授 : 王存國


台灣印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Boards, PCB)產業隨著台灣和海外工廠的生產規模持續變大,已成為全球最大的 PCB 供應國。然而,隨著產品型態的轉變,競爭對手的快速崛起,台灣的PCB業者在面臨日愈競爭的環境中,如何擬定策略及做好佈局,才能繼續保有競爭優勢實為關鍵的課題。故本研究針對台灣PCB業者在面對全球化的競爭壓力,特別是來自中國大陸、日本及韓國等廠商之競爭,探討PCB企業如何還能運籌帷幄,掌握先機,並保有競爭優勢。 本研究採用個案研究法,以研究者所服務的公司-志超科技-為研究對象,探討其如何從成立初期的艱苦經營,最後成為目前全球最大的 TFT-LCD 光電用 PCB 製造商。本研究藉由觀察、訪談和次級資料的蒐集,分析探討個案公司在競爭激烈的環境中,其經營管理及發展策略之關鍵成功因素為何,並針對個案分析結果,提出以下針對個案公司及PCB 相關廠商未來制定經營策略及行動方案的建議。 一、印刷電路板產業之關鍵成功因素除了生產設備自動化的提升外,企業內部的效率化管理,以激勵員工朝向企業的策略目標邁進,進而發展經濟擴充策略,並與客戶維持良好關係。 二、印刷電路板廠商之經營展策略除了低成本策略外,必須與產業發展趨勢及成長方向結合,避開紅海市場,提高產品的附加價值,擴大產品的應用市場。 三、隨著全球大環境的快速變遷,企業除了穩固現有的發展利基外,並應積極提升技術層次及生產管理技術,朝向具有發展潛力之產品市場,多元發展相關利基之產品。


The printed circuit board (PCB) industry of Taiwan, with its scale of production in Taiwan and continued expansion of capacity oversea, has become the world’s largest PCB supplier. This study aims to examine how to maintain the competitive advantage when a Taiwanese PCB supplier faces the pressures of global competition. This study examines the case company, which the researcher works for, to investigate how the company has transformed from a small company with many difficulties in the early days to finally become the world’s largest TFT-LCD Optical PCB manufacturer. With observation, interviews and secondary data collection, the case study analyzed the case company in a competitive environment, examining the key reasons of its success in its management and its strategies of growth and expansion. The results of this case study provide the following suggestions of future business strategies and action programs for the case company in particular and the PCB-related companies in general: 1.The key success factors, in addition to enhancing automated production, include promoting internal efficiency, increasing economies of scale through expansion, and maintaining good relations with customers. 2.The business strategy of PCB manufacturers, in addition to low-cost strategy, must be combined with industry trends and growth directions, avoid the Red Sea markets, increase the added value of products, and expand product application markets. 3.With the rapid changes in the global environment, companies should actively upgrade the technical level and production management technology, develop potential new product, and diversify the development of niche products.


