  • 學位論文


Communicative Critical Path Study of Project Management – A Case Study based on Software Project of a Corporate

指導教授 : 陳仲儼


軟體開發專案是非常仰賴人力資源運用的活動,光是人的管理與溝通,就足以增加軟體開發時的複雜度。專案團隊透過需求討論、工作分派、進度追蹤,大家同心協力才 能夠完成專案,因此軟體開發專案中的團隊溝通顯得特別重要。近年來,有學者於專案管理領域提出了會議流 (Meetings-Flow Approach; MFA) 的創新概念,來解決目前專案協同開發進行時所面臨之片面的溝通與片段的管理。由於目前相關研究中企業實際導入會議流的研究較少,因此本研究嘗試將會議流導入到企業中的軟體開發專案,透過會議流協助進行宏觀的專案溝通管理。 本研究將採用個案研究的方式,透過現有的會議流研究成果,配合個案公司的作業 制度,塑模出會議與會議流程。並且進一步探討以會議流為基礎來塑模專案協同發展過程中的團隊溝通關鍵路徑並進行效益實證研究。透過不同專案之關鍵績效指標衡量的結果,評估會議流導入前後關鍵指標的區別,體現會議流所述之效益,以及個案所面臨的問題是否獲得解決。


會議流 專案管理 團隊溝通


Software developing project is an activity that relies so much on the application of Human Resource. Comprehensive management and communication would also be major factors to enhance the complexity during the project. Also, a successful project requires a project team with clear work division, demand discussion, schedule tracking and cooperation by each team member. Therefore, comprehensive communication between team members plays an important role in software developing project. For the past few years, scholars have proposed a new concept of MFA, known as Meetings-Flow Approach, in the field of project management, so as to solve the communication problems that project teams might face during the project. Due to lack of studies on the application of meeting flow approach to the industries, the research would be based on the application of the idea to the software developing project in the industries, assisting to manage the project communication comprehensively through meeting-flow approach. This research is based on the case studies, establishing a model of meeting and meeting-flow approach go along with the operation system of the company according to the current meeting-flow approach research. In addition, this research is to investigate how effectively that meeting-flow approach can influence the project by the results of KPI, known as Key Performance Indicator, of the projects, estimating before and after differences and if the problems have been solved by applying for the concept of meetings-flow approach.


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