  • 學位論文


My-Bookstore: A Gaming Approach to Supporting Follow-up Activities of Reading

指導教授 : 陳德懷


身教式持續安靜閱讀(Modeled Sustained Silent Reading,MSSR)是一種培養閱讀興趣的大量閱讀模式,強調「成人的楷模示範」與「學生自由選書」,Pilgreen(2000)與Atwell (2007) 進一步指出沒有責任壓力的閱讀後續活動(reading follow-up activity)是促進MSSR成功的重要一環,學生若能夠自由地與其他人分享自己閱讀的感受,將能有效延續學生的閱讀熱情,提升閱讀興趣。雖然閱讀後續活動有助於提升學生的閱讀興趣,但礙於課堂時間與空間的限制,其效果往往大打折扣。隨著網際網路與數位遊戲的發展,結合悅趣化機制與網路互動的數位學習工具,逐漸運用於教學現場,相關的研究課題也如雨後春筍般湧現。但關於如何設計並透過遊戲機制引導學生更積極參與數位學習活動的研究則較為稀少。因此,本研究設計一悅趣化線上書籍推薦系統─「我的書店」,來支援課堂身教式持續安靜閱讀活動。「我的書店」系統主要結合三種遊戲機制 (社交、自我經營、虛擬貨幣獎勵),引導學生藉由經營自己的虛擬書店,製作書籍推薦內容,透過繪圖、文字、錄音等形式,將讀過的書籍與其他同儕分享。本研究針對某國小一年級兩百多名學生,實施課堂MSSR與使用「我的書店」的狀況,進行為期四年半的觀察與分析,研究結果指出,學生於MSSR閱讀相當大量的書籍,並且透過「我的書店」將讀過的書推薦給其他同學,另外,隨著學生年紀的增加,學生逐漸運用更多系統所提供的推薦功能,來分享他們讀過的書籍。在使用動機方面,大部分學生表示「我的書店」對他們具有吸引力,在與同儕相互推薦書籍的過程使他們感受到快樂與滿足。本研究更進一步分析三種遊戲引導機制對於學生製作書籍推薦的影響,研究結果發現,社交類型的遊戲機制能保有較長期的效果,而虛擬貨幣獎勵機制的影響效果則為最低。


This thesis describes a learning system, named My-Bookstore, where students ‘buy’ (make records of) books (paper books), which they have read, and then ‘sell’ (recommend) the books they like to others. This system is designed to encourage elementary students’ classroom reading and book recommendation. Three incentive mechanisms, including social interaction, self-management and virtual coin rewards, are embedded in the system. The long-term influence of the My-Bookstore system on reading among 204 first-grade students who had used the system for four and a half years (nine semesters) was investigated. The results indicated that: (1) the students borrowed a large number of books and were willing to recommend their favorite books in My-Bookstore; (2) these students tended to use more and more ways to recommend a single book over the semesters; (3) most of the students felt that the overall usage experience of My-Bookstore was positive, and the goal of the game was relevant to their reading. They also had confidence in recommending books, and felt satisfaction when other students accepted their recommendations. Results also showed that (4) the mechanism of social interaction had better long-term effects than self-management and virtual coin rewards.


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