  • 學位論文


Study of Optic, Electric, Thermal and Chromatic Characteristics of High Power LEDs

指導教授 : 楊宗勳


由於LED是作為目前生活中相當重要的光源之一,所以許多研究與發展都嘗試往解釋並調控LED的特性去作努力,而本研究便是希望能達到此一目標,讓我們對LED能夠有更進一步的認識與了解。 於本論文中,能藉由溫控及電控系統的搭配及自動化量測,將各種LED的指標特性得到即時的紀錄,並進一步將光譜作特殊的定義與擬合分析,使龐大的光譜數據量能夠拆解簡化後進行細部的討論,尤其針對LED在不同條件及狀態下的運作行為,且嘗試將這些關係及特性整合之後,建立一套能夠完整描述各種LED特性行為的預測模型,即以系統性的統整分析,找出一套描述預測方式,即未來只需要LED驅動下的數種參數(電流、溫度),便可推出LED從點亮瞬間至達到平衡時的各種行為狀態,讓我們能夠對LED本身的電性及發光機制有著更深一層的認識。 對於本研究的最終目標而言,便是希望能藉由對新世代光源LED的徹底分析,讓未來特性上描述時能夠有所依據,甚至希望依此能夠指引出最佳的LED調控方式,使其達到我們所期望的發光狀態,並讓它能以最大的效率及表現,持續供應光子照亮所需之環境,促使新智慧照明能源的誕生。


Nowadays, light emitting diodes (LEDs) has become one of the most important light sources. There are lots of efforts on researches and developments for better understanding the characteristics of LEDs. In this work, we would like to further explore the important properties of LEDs. With aid of the temperature controllers and the flow control automation, all the essential characteristics of LEDs are monitored in real time. Besides, all the spectra are also analyzed upon the change of the characteristic parameters. After tuning over a wide range of the driving conditions, some integrating models among the optic, electric, thermal, and chromatic characteristics can be concluded. With the integrating models, the behaviors of LEDs is easier to predict and thus to regulate for the various applications. To ultimate goal, we hope to develop some optimal driving methodology for LEDs, such as to obtain better efficiency and better performance in LEDs. New generation of lighting will be given to birth by the new ways of lighting in our daily life as earlier.


LED spectrum


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