  • 學位論文


Establishment of Competency Model For Construction Planning Professionals

指導教授 : 鄭晉昌 姚乃嘉


營建工程規劃人員相當於營建產業的研發人員,屬於具高度價值之核心資源,為達有效率及系統性的管理人才,本研究將藉由建構營建工程規劃人員專業職能模型,提供個案公司在招募人才各項評選標準及依據,在第一時間內能迅速確實找到所需人才。 本研究對象為營建產業之營建工程規劃人員,並採用問卷調查、專家訪談及文獻蒐集等方法建立營建工程規劃人員專業職能模型,其目的主要在於確認優秀之營建工程規劃人員所需具備職能項目,再透過量化的方式,製作問卷施測,並使用信度、效度等分析方法來驗證職能項目,根據本研究結果發現營建工程規劃人員專業職能共有九項,分別為技術專業、溝通協調、成就導向、情緒管理、團 隊領導、顧客服務導向、執行力、團隊合作、創新思考等。 藉由專業職能項目的確定,做為提供人力資源部門相關的資訊,以協助企業在招募甄選、人才評鑑、績效管理及訓練發展上有效管理員工及找到適用人才,並達到提升組織競爭力,強化競爭等優勢。


Construction planning is as important asR&D.Itis considered as highly significant core resources. To manage personnel more effectively and systematically, “Construction Personnel Competency Model” will be suggested to individual companies as reference in order to increase theefficiency. The research target is aimed at construction planning in this study. Next, “Establishment of Competency Model For Construction Planning Professionals” is designed based on the piloted questionnaire,interviews with professionals, and literature review. The objective of the research is to explore and evaluate the competence of construction personnel. Subsequently, the questionnaire is created by quantitative method. It has been found in this study that the construction project planning professional functions of a total of nine officers were technical expertise, communication and coordination, achievement oriented, emotional management, team leadership, customer service oriented,execution, teamwork, innovative thinking and so on. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire will be verified by “Establishment of Competency Model For Construction Planning Professionals” in order to increase efficiency for the human resource department. It is hoped to facilitate domestic construction enterprises the processes of recruitment, personnel evaluation, performance management, and professional training development in order to elect applicable personnel, improve enterprise competitive strength, andintense competition.


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