  • 學位論文


Research on Core Competence Model of Enterprise Employee – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 賴志松 楊文華


台灣企業目前面臨之競爭挑戰極其劇烈,對外,企業面臨開發中國家興起及產業升級與轉型的挑戰;對內,則是面臨人才外流、管理技術人才缺乏及人事制度不夠完善等問題。在如此嚴苛的競爭環境中,企業競爭力儼然成為重要之經營關鍵因素,而員工職能與企業競力又有著密不可分的關係,因此建構員工職能架構成為企業提昇競爭力的重要課題。   本研究以個案公司為研究標的,分別於2013與2015年二個年度,對全體員工進行職能測驗,並對管理階層職能分析、公司全體職能分析及工程部門職能分析分別進行差異影響比較。研究結果顯示,A公司管理階層及全體員工在創新能力及分析思考向度較一般大眾職能常模分數低,顯示團隊成員較不容易接受新的做法和改革,容易順從既有的規範而不想創新。由於此種現象,可能成為該公司未來發展之隱憂,因此本研究結果將可提供該企業成長職能方向作定位與選、育、用、留等人資策略參考。


營建管理 營建業 核心職能


Competitions facing businesses in Taiwan become more and more challenging. For the outside, Taiwanese businesses face the upgrades and transitions of industries in developing countries. For the inside, they also face the expertise and technical staff outflow and the lack of completed personnel systems. Under these situations, the core competitiveness of business is becoming the key point. There’s an intimate relationship between competencies of employees and business competitiveness. Therefore, constructing the framework of employees’ competencies is essential to enhance the business competitiveness. This research is based on case study of single enterprise – A Company, starting the analysis of employees’ abilities in 2013 and 2015, including differentiating the analysis of the management from all staff and the department of engineering. The result shows that the scores of innovation capability and analytical thinking of A Company are lower than the score of norm. It is expected that the result will give businesses directions to enhance the core competency and organize human resource management strategies.


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