  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 范錚強


隨著日益嚴重的極端氣候不斷的在各地造成災害,使得世界各國無法再忽視地球暖化這個議題。地球暖化最重要的原因之一在於溫室氣體的排放,特別是產品製造產生的碳氣。因此無論是各國政府與企業無不擬定碳足跡管理的規範,以控制溫室氣體的排放。 當前碳足跡管理的最主要法規是 PAS 2050,另外ISO 14067-1也預計在2011年生效。這兩項法規的基本精神都在於利用「產品類別規則 (PCR)」收集產品生命週期內所產生的碳足跡。 台灣 ODM 產業在全世界供應鏈佔有重要地位,也深受碳足跡法規的影響。ODM 廠商可以利用碳足跡來衡量產品設計的優劣,也可以提供碳足跡資訊供下游客戶使用,客戶可以申請各國碳標籤,或是揭示產品碳足跡的產生量供消費者參考。 但是,ODM 廠商導入碳足跡管理規範並不是一件容易的事。本研究將先探討各個 ODM 廠商導入產品碳足跡的方案,再以個案廠商導入碳足跡管理平台為對照。從不同的作業角度說明碳足跡管理體系導入的相關議題,包含:管理流程展開、經濟面思考及選擇、法規面的選擇、技術面的因應方案、市場面的因應方案及組織面的因應方案等。從不同的角度提供 ODM 廠商執行探足跡管理系統時的參考。 最後本研究也針對此一個案,分析導入之關鍵成功要素及導入後的效益。另外也對其它台灣 ODM 廠商欲導入碳足跡管理平台,提出政府或是公會可以協助的事項的建議。


As more and more disasters around the world were caused by extreme weather, global warming has become an important issue that no country can or should ignore. The most important cause of global warming is the emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, especially the carbon dioxide emitted during production processes. Thus, most governments and large enterprises have defined carbon footprint regulations in order to control emission of greenhouse gases. Currently, the main carbon footprint regulation is PAS 2050, and the new ISO 14067-1 is scheduled to take effect as of 2011. The basic methodology defined by these two regulations is to use the “Product Category Rules (PCR)” as a standard for clusters of similar products, to assess carbon footprints of products created during their respective product lifecycles. Taiwan’s electronic ODM industry plays an important role in global supply chain, hence heavily impacted by the regulations of product carbon footprint management. On the other hand, ODM manufacturers can take advantage of the regulations to evaluate the design of their product and improve their abilities in more environmental friendly product development and manufacturing. They can also provide the carbon footprint information to their brand customers for the declaration of their products information. For example, the downstream customers can turn around and use the data to apply for local carbon label or post the carbon footprint data on products for consumer reference. However, employing carbon footprint management system is not a trivial task for ODM manufacturers. This study first discusses the various management programs of carbon footprint that ODM companies have adopted, and then it examines the problem of building up a carbon footprint management system through several case studies. The problems include “development of managerial process”, “economic analysis”, “regulations compliance”, “technical alternatives”, “marketing alternatives” and “organizational alternatives”. The study can be used as reference for ODM manufacturers when implement their carbon footprint management system from different perspectives. Finally, this study analyzes the key success factors and benefits of implementing the systems, and makes recommendations on what actions government and associations can take to assist Taiwan’s ODM manufacturers who are interested in deploying carbon footprint management platform.


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