  • 學位論文


A Study of Optimization Model in the Bidding Strategies.

指導教授 : 顏上堯


自然界中水是維繫生命重要之元素之一,將水處理成為可達安全標準供人飲用,則需經一系列處理及施工過程,可分為原水淨化工程及供水工程,原水淨化工程為淨水場主要功能,然將完成淨化完成之自來水供應至使用者,則需設置完整之供水管網,其設置過程謂之供水工程,供水工程的管理維護可視為供水過程最重要的階段,為維持穩定供水品質及滿足使用者的需求,自來水供應機構每年固定招標各類自來水管線工程,承攬業者如何在有限的人力及機具設備資源下,獲得最佳化的標案配置及管理,亦有效的利用有限資源為重要之課題。 本研究係以各類自來水管線工程之人力及機具設備需求,提供承攬業者在有限資源下,獲得最大承攬標案為研究範圍,進而建立一套以數學整數規劃為架構之最佳化模式,協助業者統一投標方案。若外在環境及內在限制條件改變同時,本研究模式即可依最新條件調整參數,重新進行新規劃方案。另由各種敏感度分析,在各種參數之敏感度變化趨勢下,以符實務變化調整各項資源配置而得最佳承攬方案。本研究將各種既有資源及限制條件訂定各限制式,再輸入LINGO8.0套裝軟體求解,即可得各標案之最佳化承攬結果。為驗證模式之適用性,本研究以臺北自來水事業處每年固定標案為範例測試,測試結果與人工經驗決策方式比較,顯示效果良好。故本研究可靈活運用於各類工程領域活化資源配置規劃,以協助承攬業者決策投標與否之重要參考。


In the natural world, water is one of the important factors to maintain life. To let water reach the standard for human drinking, it needs to pass through a series of treatments and construction processes which divided into raw water purge project and water supply project. Raw water purge project is the main function of Water Treatment Plant; after finishing purge, it provides running water to users. For this reason, the water supply pipeline and network need to be set up completely; hence, the whole setting up processes are called “water supply project”. Consequently, the management and maintain are deemed as the most important procedures of water supply project. In order to maintain stable water supply quality and satisfy users’ needs, tap-water supply institutions invite public bidding about all kinds of Water Pipeline Network Projects annually and firmly. So, the most important mission to contract dealer is how to obtain optimized disposition and management toward the outsourcing case in limited manpower, equipment, and source. In this research, the main study area is how to obtain the biggest bidding outsourcing case for contract dealer in a limited manpower, machines equipment, and source when coping with tap-water pipeline project, and then establish a optimization model which takes MILP Models as carcass to assist dealer about public bidding project. Besides, we adopt all kinds of sensitivity analysis and adjust every source disposition to obtain the best contracted project under the variation trend of the sensitivity of every parameter. So, we formulate every Constraint-Based for existing source and restrictive condition, enter LINGO8.0 tool; finally, you can obtain optimization contracted result for every outsourcing case. To test and verify the applicability of model, we take annual public outsourcing biding in Taipei Water Department as testing example, and the test result is better than the result of rule of thumb. In a nutshell, this study result can be used flexibly to every project field, activate resource disposition plan; finally, assist contract dealer about the important decision of whether he or she should enter a bit or not.


19.顏上堯、李貞儀、施佑林,「專案監造人力指派最佳化模式之研究」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第20卷第4期, 585-595頁,2008。


