  • 學位論文


The Effect of Intra-team interdependence on team effectiveness - Team autonomy as mediating variables

指導教授 : 劉念琪


產業技術變革週期快速縮短,連帶影響市場利潤快速降低,企業為因應變局,運用許多彈性團隊結構來達成企業目標。團隊效能的關鍵,主要受到團隊結構影響,團隊結構化程度則顯現團隊成員間不同的互動秩序,互動是一種歷程,互依性愈高,組織成員需要愈能互相協調才能促進組織效能,然而團隊形成自主管理程度,是否真能促進成員互相協調的機制,進一步影響團隊效能?   因此,本研究旨在探討團隊內互依程度、團隊自主管理、團隊效能間的關係,包含:   一、 探討團隊內互依程度對團隊效能的影響   二、 探討團隊內互依程度對團隊自主管理的影響   三、 探討團隊自主管理對團隊內互依程度與團隊效能間關連的中介影響   本研究採立意抽樣方法,對象主要以半導體、電子資訊、通訊、精密機械、生醫產業,具一定規模且具參與意願公司,由團隊領導人及團隊成員同時配對填寫,共發出136個團隊、858份問卷,回收119個有效團隊問卷,共744人份問卷,有效團隊問卷回收率為87.5%,其中工作團隊計74組,專案團隊計45組。針對回收問卷資料,運用描述統計、問卷信度檢定、相關分析、迴歸分析計量分析方法進行分析。   本論文主要研究結果發現:   一、團隊互依對團隊效能有顯著正向關連   二、團隊自主管理對團隊效能有顯著正向關連   三、團隊自主性對團隊內互依對團隊效能產出品質的影響,有部份中介效果   四、團隊自主性對團隊內互依對團隊效能創新能力的影響,有部份中介效果   五、團隊自主性對團隊內互依對團隊效能團隊滿意度的影響,有部份中介效果   依據本研究結論,提供建議與後續研究者參考。


Rapidly shortened cycle of the industrial technology has lead to the declined market profit; enterprises have used many flexible team structures to achieve business goals. The key to team performance is mainly affected by the team structure, which presents the different interaction among team members. Interaction is a process, and the higher the interdependence, the more co-ordination needed to enhance organizational effectiveness. However, is the degree of team autonomy really a co-ordination mechanism for team members to affect team effectiveness?   Therefore, this study is to discuss the relationship among intra-team interdependence, team autonomy, and team effectiveness, which includes: First, the effect of intra-team interdependence on team effectiveness. Second, the effect of intra-team interdependence on team autonomy. Third, the mediating effectiveness of team autonomy between intra-team interdependence and team effectiveness.   The study used purposive sampling method, covered the semiconductor, electronics, communications, precision machinery, and biomedical industries. Approached companies were above certain size and with willingness to participate in. The questionnaires were filled up by paired-upped team leaders and team members, and were issued to136 teams, 858 questionnaires in total. 119 valid team questionnaires which are equal to 744 individual questionnaires were returned. Effective team response rate was 87.5%, including 74 work teams and 45 project teams. Descriptive statistics, reliability test, correlation analysis and regression analysis methods were used for the analysis.   According to the analysis results, we found that: First, intra-team interdependence has significant and positive relationship on team effectiveness. Second, team autonomy has a significant positive relationship on team effectiveness. Third, team autonomy has partial mediating effectives in intra-team interdependence to effect on output quality of team effectiveness. Fourth, team autonomy has partial mediating effectives in intra-team interdependence to effect on creative ability of team effectiveness. Fifth, team autonomy has partial mediating effectives in intra-team interdependence to effect on team satisfaction of team effectiveness.   All the above conclusions could be provided as recommendations and reference to researchers to follow up.


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