  • 學位論文


System Architecture of Information Platform for Disaster Prevention and Protection for Local Government

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 許文科


臺灣地區地理環境特殊,全臺73%的土地與人口同時曝露在三種以上的天然災害威脅之下,比例為全球最高;99.1%的土地與人口同時曝露在二種以上的天然災害威脅,亦為全球最高區域之一。臺灣面對如此險惡的威脅,加上目前全球暖化環境變遷,極易產生複合性的災害,各地方政府皆應建立可提供完整資訊之防救災資訊平台,以降低災害之危害。 因此,本研究先對國內各單位現有的防救災資訊平台進行分析比較並整理出其優缺點,進而針對地方政府對於防救災之需求,結合目前之各種資訊與科技之技術並訪談相關之專家後,規劃一理想之防救災資訊平台之功能架構。此理想之資訊平台應包含之功能架構為:(1)連外資訊模組-以擷取中央政府與其他系統之資訊,(2)資料輸入模組-以輸入資源、避難處所、歷史災點等資訊,(3)分析統計模組-以模擬分析災害可能之程度並統計所需之資訊,(4)資料查詢及展示模組-以地理資訊系統顯示災害與應變之現況,以及(5)系統管理模組。本研究並詳述各功能模組中之細部功能,以利未來資訊平台之建立。 本研究亦透過災前整備、災中應變及災後重建各階段之模擬,以驗證災害發生時此資訊平台是否能完整提供所需之防救災資訊。本研究之成果可供各地方政府建置防救災資訊平台之參考,以增進防救災之效率。


Taiwan is located in a unique geographical region where 73% and 99.1% of land and population exposed to two and three natural disasters, respectively; both ratios are highest among the world. Faced with such dangerous threats of natural disasters, local governments in Taiwan are in need of a comprehensive information platform to assist them in dealing with multiple and compound disasters caused by global warming and climate changes. This research aims at developing ideal system architecture of information platform for disaster prevention and protection for local governments in Taiwan. Existing information platforms are compared and analyzed to formulate a preliminary comprehensive system architecture which is then articulated by interviewing experts. The ideal system architecture of information platform includes (1) Information Connection Module for accessing of information from existing systems of central government agencies, (2) Data Input Module for inputting resources, shelters, contracts, historical events, etc., (3) Analysis and Statistics Module for simulating various degrees of disasters and for providing needed statistic data, (4) Inquiry and Display Module for displaying disaster and remedy status on GIS, and (5) System Management Module. Detailed functional descriptions are also provided in this research for establishing the information platform in the future. This research also simulates pre-disaster preparation activities, during-disaster operations, and post-disaster remedy actions to test the information platform for providing information needed. Results of this research should serve as a useful reference for local government to establish an effective information platform for disaster prevention and protection.


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