  • 學位論文


Marketing Strategy Analysis of Tourism Industry in China -Case study of Company A

指導教授 : 李小梅


2012年,全球旅遊業因全球或區域性的經濟危機略顯疲軟,同一時間,中國大陸年年持續成長的旅遊人口,及其帶來的龐大消費與採購能量,足令全球消費型經濟引領企望,來自於中國大陸的旅遊『貴客』蒞臨。有鑑於此,本研究希望透過個案分析,探討中國大陸總體環境分析與旅遊產業現狀,深入探討個案A公司的行銷策略及其未來方向。 本研究的架構首先探討中國大陸總體環境變遷,並運用波特五力分析、PEST分析法與SWOT分析法等理論,解析旅遊業的現狀與未來趨勢,並依據產品劃分理論探討個案A旅行社公司在中國之行銷策略及其未來之發展方向。本研究採取質性研究,首先進行次級資料(Literature Search)的蒐集並進行專家訪談(Key information Survey)作為本研究的主要方法。 個案A旅遊公司在各項旅遊產品服務供需中,實際經歷不同旅遊(區分為:國內遊與國外遊兩類)套裝產品的生命週期(萌芽期、成長期、成熟期與衰退期),本研究深入探討案例旅遊套裝商品在目標客戶、消費預算概念、旅遊目的地選擇、行銷推廣模式等,以利個案公司日後商品轉型、構建產品競爭優勢、營運模式改良與行銷方案的優化,提供更好的參考。 本研究綜合文獻探討與個案研究結果,做出下列結論:1.精準聚焦的目標行銷:在競爭優勢下重塑產品,在輕薄短小中規劃預算。2.競合並重的通路策略:將資源重新檢討,擴大旅遊同業的合作模式。3.有效低成本的推廣策略:掌握台灣經驗的優勢,運用網路輕成本的條件。4.分眾產品專案縱效策略:創造資源整合成本縱效,專案與績效共行方案。 本研究針對個案A公司在中國大陸未來發展的提出下列的行銷建議:1.市場的選擇:在變動的市場環境中,不斷探索最適化經營的模式。2.產品的分眾:發掘分眾的族群,創造更多的創意、增值的產品。3.品牌的定位:關注於品牌的經營,為企業奠定品牌盛世基礎。4.服務的加值:發揮『服務真誠』的感動力量,讓顧客員工股東滿意。


行銷策略 總體環境 旅遊業


In 2012, following the worldwide and regional economic crisis, the performance of global tourism industry is getting worse as well. In the same time, China look like a new star which offer a great number of visitors who buy huge amount of shopping needs. All the global customer economy and shopping stores serve to this big customer just like god. According to this truth, The thesis with professional case study skill and pay full attention on China need and its tourism industry, also focus on its Macro-Environment which may guide a perfect marketing plan for the Case A company. The report was studied by strict structure analysis process, include theories of Five Forces, SWOT, PEST and Level-Divide of Product. To try to find out three major successful achievements, One is the development trace of China form 30 years before to now and future, Second is. the fact of China’s tourism industry and the trend of its way. Finally, to make a outstanding recommend for Case A Travel Agent to guide its development model and set up a excellent marketing strategies for its focus target market. This study adopted qualitative research methods to first survey the literature, and then undertook a Key Information Survey. Accoding the past servive period of the travel market demand, include of domestic and overseas trip, this research get some key informations of budget idea, holiday choice and promption focus, those will offer more benefits for improvement of future promotions, strategies and business models. To sum up the results of the literature review and case study, the conclusions as following: One is marketing by STP,to rebuild products by competitive advantage and marketing prompt with budget and target.Second is Win-Win channel strategy, to recheck resource and built and create win-win model to each partner. Third is budget and efficient promotion, to connect customers with Taiwan’s value experience and technology, Finally is PM Value with KPI Strategy, to link value KPI and cost down to Project Manager Regarding the future developments of Case A company in China, the study makes the some kindly suggestions as below: One is regional market choice, to compare and choice where is good for company development. Second is production by focus, to find and create every possible of STP lastingly, Third is brand’s improvement, to keep and maintain own brand with patience and passion. Finally is value up customer service:, to offer warmly and friendly with heart, share success to team workers and each partner.


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