  • 學位論文


The estimation of regional GDP in Taiwan and the research of metropolitan

指導教授 : 朱雲鵬


本文主要目的為利用附加價值編算法,將台灣產業分為農、林、漁、牧、教育、公共行政、工商服務七大類,蒐集各產業區域別的投入要素,估計台灣自民國70年起至民國95年間之區域GDP(Gross Domestic Product),並觀察台灣各地區在此期間的發展趨勢以及產業型態的轉變;除了計算區域GDP,亦加入了地區人口數,計算出區域人均GDP,用以突顯各地區生活水準之差異。農業主要地區為台灣中南部中彰投、雲嘉南地區,歷年來占台灣農業份額皆在50%以上,林業則集中在南投縣及新竹縣,漁業部分,養殖業主要地區為台灣南部雲嘉南地區,近海漁業則集中在南部高高屏地區以及北部台北宜蘭地區,上述八個地區自民國70年來皆占有台灣漁業GDP一半以上份額。畜牧業的主要地區為台灣南部的雲嘉南地區以及高高屏地區,占畜牧業的比重最高曾於民國90年達到60%。教育服務業占全台總GDP之比重逐年上升,台北縣市占教育服務業之份額最重。工商及服務業為台灣最重要的產業,其占台灣總GDP之份額自民國70年起從未低於八成,且逐年上升,成長幅度最大之地區為桃竹地區以及台北縣。 本文的第二部分為研究台灣都市與郊區的相對發展,是否有如同歐美大都會區之都市率退與郊區興盛的情況。並利用回歸方法,找出可能影響地區相對生活品質的原因,實證結果顯示,台北都會區都市衰退與郊區崛起的趨勢最為明顯,台中都會區及高雄都會區則較無此趨勢。因此,回歸結果亦只有台北都會區顯著,每萬人醫生數、平均每人歲出決算、產業結構與都市計畫區占總面積比例對相對生活水準呈現正向效果,每萬人犯罪件數以及道路密度則呈現負面效果;台中都會區及高雄都會區則幾乎不顯著。


估計 區域GDP 郊區 都會區


This paper mainly presents the estimation of census years’ regional GDP in Taiwan using Valued-Added Approach during 1981 to 2006 in Taiwan. And then measure the standard of living by regional GDP per capita. Manufacturing and service industry is the largest industry in Taiwan, mainly gathered in the metropolitan area such as Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, and New Taipei City. The main area of agriculture, fishing, and animal husbandry are gathered in Southern Taiwan such as Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Tainan County, Kaohsiung County, and Pingtung County. These regions account for over 60 % of the added-value of agriculture, fishing, and animal husbandry. On the other side, Hsinchu City have the biggest average growth rate during this period, and the second is Taoyuan County. In the second part of this article, what we interested about is why the share of GDP in Taipei City and the population of Taipei City decreased by year, New Taipei City increased instead. Dose Taiwan’s big city (urban) declined and suburban rose as U.S and euro union? And if this phenomenon actually existed in Taiwan, what possible reasons make people moving to suburban from metropolitan area. The result we examined shows that Taipei has this phenomenon, but Kaohsiung and Taichung instead. Health condition, government final accounts per person, and industry structure have the positive and significant effect; number of crime, and the density of road have the negative and significant effect.


suburban urban estimation regional GDP


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5. Rappaport, Jordan, 2007,〝Moving to Nice weather〞, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
6. Eurostat, 1995, Regional Account Method, (gross value-added and gross fixed capital formation by activity).
8. U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2006, GDP by State Estimation Methodology.
9. U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2010, Gross Domestic Product by Metropolitan Area.
