  • 學位論文


The use of Lean Six Sigma in the panel group accuracy improvement - A Case Study

指導教授 : 何應欽


本研究以液晶顯示器技術,液晶滴入 (One Drop Fill; ODF) 製程技術為例,應用六標準之手法,由界定(Define)、衡量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改善(Improve)、控制(Control) 之改善歩驟,進而提升 ODF 對組製程之良率的能力,以現有配置的廠房及生產設備,消除存在於創造價值過程中的浪費行為,追求理想之生產系統。建立精實生產模式,可以透過精實的管理手段和改善方法,來降低成本、提高效率和品質,以提昇產業競爭力。建構獲利最佳化的生產流程模式,使得公司不僅能增加其有效產出,並可作出精實生產流程,進一步提升產線良率及公司獲利。 本研究以個案公司為例,在了解研究目的及豐田生產之內容及精神中,配合個案公司之文化與制度,擬定適合的改善方法及策略導入於企業中,並找出成功導入精實生產的程序步驟及運作方法導入,以評估、驗證其改善成效。文中提供流程檢視和活動導入之架構模式,進而依循此模式引導企業推動改善活動活化企業組織文化,並配合豐田管理之技巧和改善經驗, 探討導入活動之成效,協助企業改善企業體質以提升企業獲利,將可作為TFT-LCD廠之製程改善之參考,此模式將協助企業提升品質、降低成本,以獲取最大的利潤,此成效為使用產能提升5%,良率提升0.78%,藉此分析結果可證明此生產流程有助於生產效率之提升。


In this liquid crystal display technology studying, for example LCD instillation (ODF, One Drop Filling) process technology, the application of six Sigma standard practices are Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control to improve the step arrest, and enhance the ODF system process yield of the process capability, in order to configure the existing plant and production equipment. To eliminate present in the create value the process of waste behavior, the pursuit of an ideal the production system. Lean production mode, through Lean management tools and improved methods to reduce costs, improve efficiency and quality in order to enhance industrial competitiveness. Construct the most profitable mode of production processes, and allows the company to increase the effective output, and make the lean manufacturing process to further enhance the production line yield and corporate profits.


DMAIC Six Sigma LCD ODF process


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