  • 學位論文


The Validation of Big-five Personality Inventory

指導教授 : 鄭晉昌 黃同圳


為了配合個案公司目前的甄選現況與未來的招募策略,本研究主要目的在驗證某顧問公司所開發的人格特質量表中所得到的施測結果,是否能有效的預測工程師的工作績效,並探討此份量表對工作績效的解釋能力。期望未來在招募甄選員工時,可以選擇適合的人格特質擔任工程師,以其工作者更能發揮所長與潛能。 本研究以某顧問公司於2009年12月針對台灣地區編製的一套適合用於人事甄選目的之五大人格特質量表的人格測驗為主要參考的架構,並對個案公司內的工程師進行正式施測,人格特質量表的題項共有140題,所發出去的125份問卷,有效回收問卷125份。在研究方法上,分別使用敘述性統計方法整理分析個案公司樣本的特徵結構;使用相關分析研究人格特質與工作績效的相關性;使用迴歸分析,用以檢定人格特質對於工程師工作績效的解釋能力,並探討人格特質是否會影響工作績效。經過上述的分析方法,本研究主要發現與成果如下 一、工程師的人格特質與工作績效之相關分析為,工程師在『謹慎性』及『外向性』這兩項人格特質得分與其工作績效有顯著正相關。 二、單因子變異數分析的結果為『外向性』高的工程師通常會有較高之工作績效,而『謹慎性』高的工程師也有較高的工作績效。 三、迴歸分析中,發現具有『謹慎性』人格特徵的人比較適合擔任工程師。 總結以上結果,建議個案公司未來在甄選工程師時,應優先考慮錄用人格特質中『謹慎性』得分較高的應徵者,以其在未來會具有較好的績效表現。




This research aims to justify if the test result based on Big Five Model can effectively predict the job performance of the would-be programmers and to look into the relationship between their personalities and work performance, which thereby corresponds with the recruit strategy of the case company today and tomorrow. By means of this investigation, the case company or any can integrate the right person with some specific personality into the right position, making every single employee not only play his own part but also do his level best. In due course, the very right recruit strategy helps create the highest profits for the companies. During this research, the researcher tries to give tests to programmers in the case company. For one thing, the test based on Big Five Model was adapted by some consultant firm in December 2009 and has been widely applied to staff-hunting by the personnel in Taiwanese companies. In each of 125 effective questionnaires, the researcher includes 137 questions according to Big Five Model. For another, concerning the research method, the researcher exerts three main analyses respectively to discuss the properties which carry with the test result. Firstly, by means of Frequency Analysis, the researcher arranges and analyzes the samples systematically to define the certain structure of the human resource in the case company. Secondly, in the manner of Correlation Analysis, the researcher seeks the potential relationship between the personality and the job performance. Thirdly, by employing Regression Analysis, the researcher clarifies the effectiveness of the “criterion” ---“from one’s personality to his job performance”. In the last analysis, the researcher may reach the conclusions as follows: 1. The correlation between the personality and job performance of programmers is that the two traits---Caution and Openness are significantly related to their job performance. 2. The result based on the Single-Variable Analysis shows that a programmer with Openness tends to perform better at work and so does a programmer with Caution. 3. The recommendation according to Regression Analysis is that the person with Cautions more eligible for a programmer. To sum up, the researcher recommends that the case company give priority to recruiting the persons with Caution to be its programmers so that the better job performance from these future employees could be highly expected.


Personality Inventory


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