  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 范錚強


現今企業面對外部環境快速且劇烈的變動,企業便紛紛透過組織變革以因應環境的快速變化,藉以確保或提昇企業的競爭優勢。然而,企業在進行組織變革時,首先受到衝擊的是組織成員,勢必引發成員產生反感及抗拒,進而影響變革執行的成效。目前關於組織變革的研究,並未談到如何應用適度的管理機制來處理抗拒行為,也未討論到員工在經由降低抗拒的處理機制後,是否真正認同且接受變革。 本研究以個案研究的方式,針對採購程序與組織上的變革,深度訪談變革主導者與組織成員,歸納出組織成員如何對變革產生抗拒因素的防衛機制,並將其整合為阻礙組織執行變革活動的抗拒障礙,變革主導者採用了包容以及硬性的管理機制,也結合了績效考核,此交互應用來降低或消弭變革抗拒,藉以提升成員對變革的動力以及認同感,在經過處理抗拒變革後,成員產生正向及負向接納兩種行為,針對負向接納方面,本研究發現兩種轉化機制的應用,可使成員轉化負向接納為正向接納,進而引發部門內部自發性的創新行為,影響部門內外部的作業效能提升。


Nowadays, enterprises are faced with violently changing external environment. Therefore, to maintain an enterprise’s competition capability, tit has to perform many necessary changes, to adapt to the changing environment. However, organizational changes often affect the staffs, who may choose to resist the changes. These resistance behaviors heavily influence the effect of the organization change. However, few literatures touch on the behavior of resistance, and few researches discussed whether the staffs really identify and accept the organization change. This study aims at understanding the resistance behaviors in Company A, through in-depth interviews. It attempts to gain insights in how the members, facing the changes, produce the resisting behavior.


Organizational change Resistance Performance


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