  • 學位論文


Research On Liu Chen-weng''s “Xu Xi Si Jing Poems”

指導教授 : 王次澄


《須溪四景詩集》為宋遺民劉辰翁所撰,劉氏一生著述頗多,其作品有詩、詞、散文與評點,歷來對其詞作、評點多所關注,卻少論及其詩文作品。然《四庫全書總目》中曾譽《須溪四景詩集》為「程試詩之高格」,故本文擬以《須溪四景詩集》為研究對象,盼能為其詩歌研究補白,並對照《四庫》所言,探究劉辰翁《須溪四景詩集》之特色與價值。全文內容如下: 本文首先於第壹章中說明研究動機及目的、回顧目前相關的研究成果,並依序說明本文的研究範圍、版本與研究步驟等。第貳章則是簡述劉辰翁的生平與詩學觀點,對詩人所處之時代、境遇、師承交友及所學所感有基本的認識後,方能深入理解、分析其詩文。第參、肆章著重於討論《須溪四景詩集》之體製特色,全集以四季分卷、五言六韻之詩體、以詩題之字為韻、採前人詩歌成句來命題等皆遵循科舉規定,詩人在程試詩嚴格的規範下,巧妙地結合文壇風尚、遺民情感,創作出獨特的程試詩詩集。第伍章則從藉由《須溪四景詩集》意象與典故之運用,瞭解其詩歌之主題與內容。最後,收束全文,點出劉辰翁《須溪四景詩集》形式與内容之特色,並對照其詩學觀點,察見其實踐之情形,以突顯劉辰翁《須溪四景詩集》在宋詩、遺民詩及歷代程試詩中的價值與地位。


Liu Chenwong, a Song loyalist, stood an important place in history of Chinese literature and literary criticism. He wrote a lot of poems, lyrics, prose and commentaries. All the while, the people were more concerned about Liu’s lyrics and commentaries than the poems and prose. However, “ Siku Quanshu Zongmu” have praised“Xu Xi Si Jing Poems” as a “the great poems of the imperial examinations” . So, this paper will focus on the study of poetry, trying to explore Liu Chen-weng''s“Xu Xi Si Jing Poems” values and meaning to replenish the deficiency of the racademic research. The whole paper is divided into six parts: In the first chapter, I will introduce the motive and purpose of study, to retrace the results of research, also discuss the structure,source, and method in this paper. The second chapter is a brief description of Liu Chen-weng''s background and his concept of Poetry. To understand Liu Chen-weng''s times, circumstances, his mentors and people he had befriend with to help us understanding, analysis of his poetry. From the third chapter to the fourth, I discussed the mode and characteristics of“Xu Xi Si Jing Poems,” such as the corpus is divided into six parts according to the season, all poems are five-character and twelve lines, to use the previous verses to be the poetry title, and select the rhyming words from the poetry title. These are all followed the strict specification of imperial examination, combining Song dynasty loyalists’s emotions and literary culture to write. In the fifth chapter, I will try to explain the“Xu Xi Si Jing Poems” by the image and allusion. In the final chapter, I conclude the research to manifest the value and historical status of “Xu Xi Si Jing Poems” in Song Dynasty poetry and poems of the imperial examinations.


