  • 學位論文


Leadership, Social Capital Theory and Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Community

指導教授 : 李憶萱


本論文旨在研究影響虛擬社群內知識分享意願的關鍵因素。藉由將領導理論導入社會資本理論後,再探討社會資本理論對知識分享行為所產生的影響,本研究經分析後證實領導確為影響虛擬社群內成員其知識分享意願的重要因素。 本研究模型總共採用了310個樣本,樣本來源為隨機抽樣台灣知名虛擬社群的使用者。研究結果顯示虛擬社群板主的領導風格及行為會對社會資本理論的五個構面產生正面且顯著的影響;而後,經由社會資本理論,再對社群內成員的知識分享意願產生不同結果。經分析後結果顯示,在社會資本理論的五個構面之中,「社交關係構面」、「信任構面」、和「互惠程度構面」對知識分享行為尤其有深刻且正向的影響;此研究結果亦獲得實證理論的支持。 因此,本研究貢獻在於,建議虛擬社群的領導者能調整其領導風格,藉由強化虛擬社群內的社會資本,以達到鼓勵成員分享知識的意圖;如此一來,虛擬社群方得以延續及發展壯大。


This study intends to investigate factors affecting virtual community members’ behavioral intentions to sharing their knowledge via the cyberspace communities. By adopting the OSU Leadership Scale Theory into the Social Capital Theory, the present study proposes a recommended leading style within the virtual communities and the possible way to affect the members’ sharing motivation. The proposed model was tested with data collected from 310 virtual community users in Taiwan. The results show that the leadership styles would positively and significantly affect each construct of Social Capital theory. No matter which kind of leading style would both have positive effect on Social Capital Theory. In addition, as to the result of Social Capital Theory and Knowledge Sharing Behavior, the constructs of social interaction, trust, and norm of reciprocity would all have significant influences on the knowledge sharing behavior. Empirical results also provide strong support for the integrative approach. The findings suggest the leaders of virtual communities to modify their leading style, thereby strengthen the connection within the virtual communities, and finally encourage the knowledge sharing intention of members within the virtual communities.


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