  • 學位論文


The investment and development of foreign-invested telecom companies in China under Digital Convergence-A study of investment in China market of Korea''s telecom companies

指導教授 : 張明宗 王弓


電信產業為各國熱門產業以及國家重點發展項目之一,科技發展一日千里,電信市場已出現數位匯流三網合一的趨勢,資訊、通訊與廣播等資通訊技術可以透過網路整合在單一設備進行傳輸。有線寬頻與無線3G是電信產業裡的指標發展項目,尤其全球3G市場已進入3G成長期,其中,最大的用戶市場集中在中國大陸地區。中國大陸電信市場已開始進入三網合一的快速成長期,為加速發展,需要大量外資的技術引入與資金的挹注,其龐大商機對欲投資的外資有莫大吸引力,而在現行大陸電信法規環境下,外資應如何進入中國大陸進行投資電信市場,值得吾人去探究。 本文比較研究對象為韓國,韓國國內的有線寬頻與無線3G普及率高,網速也為世界第一,本文先討論其在國內之發展歷程以及普及原因,分析其政府如何執行不對稱管制手段和廠商如何因應;再檢視已進入中國大陸電信市場的韓國業者作法,藉由已進入大陸市場進行投資之韓國業者為例,檢視其進入投資之成敗與否,藉此探究外資電信業者進入大陸電信市場的投資方向應為何,給予建議。


Telecommunications industry is one of the countries popular industries, as well as the national key development projects. In recent years, the trend in the telecommunications market is digital convergence.It means that Internet, broadcasting information and communication technology can be integrated in a single device for transmission over the network. Telecom Industry is one of the most popular industries all over the world, and it’s the main development projects. In recent years, digital convergence is the trend in telecom market. It means that Internet, broadcasting information and communication technology can be integrated in a single device for transmission over the network. Wired broadband and wireless 3G are the indicative development projects in the telecom industry. The global 3G market is in the growth period, especially in mainland China--the largest user concentration. Mainland China telecom market has begun to enter the rapid growth of triple play. To accelerate its development, mainland China needs a lot of foreign technology and funds. It has the great attraction of its vast opportunities for those who want to invest. Under the telecom regulation environment of mainland China, how do foreign investment enter the telecom market is worth exploring. The article study South Korea as comparison. South Korea has high penetration of wired broadband and wireless 3G, and it’s speed is also the top of the world. We first discusses the development and the reasons to popular, then analyses how government carry out the asymmetric regulatory instruments and how manufacturers’ response. Second, by viewing the practice of Korean companies who have entered the telecom market in mainland China as examples. Seeing whether their investment success or not, and giving advices and directions to those who are willing to invest the telecom market in mainland China.


digital convergence investment Telecommunications 3G


Cave, Martin (2010). Anti-competitive behavior in spectrum markets: Analysis and response, Telecommunications Policy , 34:251-261.
