  • 學位論文


The Research For The Plight Of Females Single-Parent Households,Problem-Solving Strategies , The History And Motivation:Point Of View Of Transformative Learning Process of Problem-Solving

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨教授


摘要 本研究旨在探討女性單親家庭家長在失婚的過程中所面臨的生活困境、瞭解女性單親家庭家長面對困境時解決問題的策略、瞭解女性單親家庭家長的學習動機與瞭解女性單親家庭家長轉化學習的歷程。 本研究設計為質性研究取向,研究參與者共有五位女性單親家庭家長。以半結構式訪談方式蒐集資料,並以銓釋現象學的方法分析整理資料,獲得研究結論如下: 壹、女性單親家庭家長面對的生活困境主要為工作不穩定薪水收入少以及生活費用支出負擔大的經濟困擾以及離婚後必須面對新生活調適的身心困擾;至於子女教養方面則非主要困擾。 貳、社會脈絡支持系統主要提供困境中的女性單親家庭家長經濟補助與身心陪伴的正向支持。 參、女性單親家庭家長解決經濟的困境需要透過外在經濟支援團體的補助協助與自己職能專長的提升。 肆、女性單親家庭家長解決身心困境的歷程為:尋找情緒的出口、正向轉念、過嶄新的生活。 伍、女性單親家庭家長對於子女教養問題的解決策略因人而異,主要為:嚴格管教、因勢利導和不斷尋找解決的方法等。 陸、女性單親家庭家長學習動機主要為內在動機、外在動機、正向動機、負向動機、有意識動機與衍生性動機,較少無意識動機與原生性動機。 柒、女性單親家庭家長負向的舊經驗會阻礙其學習活動的參與。 捌、女性單親家庭家長轉化學習歷程主要分為三個階段:反思覺察所面臨的困境、批判尋找解決方法、採取行動建構新價值或信念階段。 依據上述研究結果提出以下建議: 壹、對成人教育機構的建議 1.為女性單親家庭家長開設職業技能學習課程、身心靈成長課程及子女教養知能課程,以解決其經濟層面困擾、身心層面困擾與子女教養困擾。 2.正增強正向學習經驗避免受負面的學習經驗影響。 3.提供彈性學習時間與學習場地。 4.結合企業機構或就業單位多提供外在激勵措施。 貳、對政府相關社會福利單位的建議 1.在經濟方面增加對女性單親家庭的補助。 2.建立女性單親家庭名冊,活絡村里聯繫網絡,以確保補助能到位。 3.在稅收方面給予減免優惠。 4.建立人際關懷網絡、強化心理健康輔導。 5.設立多元的單親支援平台與管道。 6.提供免費與多元的學習課程,以增強職業技能,並輔導就業。 參、對女性單親家庭家長的建議 1.學習職能課程,培養一技之長。 2.善用社會資源與管道,勇於求助。 3.子女的教養方式恩威並濟,兼採嚴格管教與因勢利導。 4.勇於面對身心困境,尋找情緒出口。 5.透過觀點轉化的歷程,改變人生的新契機。 肆、對未來的研究方向的建議 1.在研究議題方面再瞭解女性單親家庭家長的背景資料或其他弱勢族群的相關議題。 2.研究對象可以從女性單親家庭家長類推至其他弱勢族群為研究對象。 3.在研究方法方面可以透過統計量化資料瞭解女性單親家庭家長個體的背景資料與問題解決能力的關係及學習動機之間的相關程度,使研究面向更趨完備。


Abstract This research mainly discusses the transformation progress of the females single-parent households and difficult living conditions faced by divorced and understanding of the history of female single-parent households when facing a difficult situation to solve the problem, understand the motivation and understanding of female single-parent households of female single-parent households into the learning process. This research is the character oriented. The participants are a total of five female single-parent households. The material was collected by the semi-structured interviews. The reorganization material was analyzed by the hermeneutics. Then, the research conclusion is obtained as follows: 1.Female single-parent households face difficult living conditions for the instability salary income and the burden of the cost of living expenses by financial difficulties and divorce must face the physical and mental distress of the new life adjustment; The more education, non-main difficulties. 2.The social context support system to the plight of women in single-parent households financial aid with physical and mental accompany positive support. 3.Female single-parent households solve the plight of the economy through external economic support groups, subsidy assistance to enhance their functional expertise. 4.Female single-parent households solve the course of the physical and psychological predicament: to find the mood export, forward turned over a new life. 5.The solution strategy of the female single-parent households for the upbringing of children varies from person to person: strict discipline, the prevailing circumstances and constantly looking for methods to solve. 6.Female single-parent households motivation to intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, positive motivation, negative motivation, a sense of motivation and derivative motivation, less unconscious motives with native motives. 7.The old experience of the female single-parent households hinders their participation in learning activities. 8.Female single-parent households into the learning process is mainly divided into three stages: Reflections aware of the difficulties faced by critical to find a solution and take action to construct new values or beliefs of the stage. Based on the above findings: the research wants to propose some suggestion as the below: A.The suggestion to the adult education association: 1.Learning courses for female single-parent households to set up vocational skills, physical and spiritual growth programs, and child rearing knowledge courses to address the economic dimensions of distress, physical and mental level plagued with their children educated. 2.Enhance the positive learning experience to avoid a negative learning experience impact. 3.Provide flexible learning time and learning space. 4.The combination of business organizations or employment to provide external incentives. B.The recommendations of the government in social welfare institutions: 1.On the economic part: Increase subsidies for female single-parent families. 2.Establish a roster of female single-parent families and active village network of contacts to ensure that the subsidy can be in place. 3.Give tax breaks. 4.Establish a network of interpersonal care, and strengthen the mental health counseling. 5.Establishment of a multi-platform and pipeline of single-parent support. 6.Provide a free and diverse learning programs to enhance the vocational skills and employment guidance. C.The recommendations of the female single parents: 1.Learning functions of the courses and skills development. 2.Make good use of community resources , pipelines, and the courage to help. 3.The upbringing of their children, incentives and economic, adopting both the strict discipline and acted upon it. 4.Face physical and mental difficulties courageously and find emotional exports. 5.View the course of transformation and a new opportunity to change your life. D.The suggestion to the future research: 1.In the research agenda: Understand the issues related to the background information of the female single-parent households or other vulnerable ethnic group. 2.The object of study from the female single-parent households by analogy to other disadvantaged groups as the research object. 3.In research methods: Statistics provide quantitative data to understand the degree of correlation between the ability and motivation of female single-parent households individual background information and problem solving, research oriented more complete.




邱于軒(2015)。為流浪動物奮鬥── 動物保護人士之轉化學習歷程〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2015.00122
