  • 學位論文


Legal persons Crime and Punishment

指導教授 : 馬躍中


時代進步改變快速,法人犯罪跨國性質濃厚,這些企業在面對外界的刑事控訴時,經常是想將責任轉嫁到某些公司成員的個人身上,這些代罪者可能是掛名而無實權的主管、被指定的失察監督者、或是直接從事損害行為的人。因此,唯有讓法人本身擔負起責任時,法人才有可能會動用足夠的力量及具備強烈的動機去建立有效降低主管及員工從事違法行為的預防和獎懲政策。而就現行刑法雖建立於處罰自然人之刑罰體系,雖不適於法人活動所造成之各種犯罪現象,但這並非意味法人不得為刑法的規範對象。為解決法人等企業組織可否為犯罪主體的問題,必須從社會經濟及反社會心理之立場來探討企業組織之實際活動,並檢討為達到遏止企業組織體之違法活動之目的,而行使刑事制裁是否妥當、合理方面著手。在我國傳統刑法學說上否認法人之犯罪能力,但是受到日本立法影響而折衷在附屬刑法上有處罰法人之相關規定,也造成刑法體系上的矛盾:如果核心刑法不處罰法人,何以附屬刑法可以處罰? 法律制裁制度中,並列著刑事制裁與行政制裁,對於同一行為可能存在著刑事制裁使用刑罰而行政制裁使用行政罰或秩序罰,併行加以懲處的現象。這種現象係因立法上對於同一行為的較重部份列入刑事不法領域,而賦予刑罰的法律效果,同時對於該行為較輕的部份而尚未構成犯罪的部份,列入行政不法的領域,賦予秩序罰的法律效果,然而,刑事不法與行政不法的犯罪界限至今仍舊不明確。為解決法人犯罪該論以刑事處罰抑或行政處罰之爭議,以及該如何處罰,及是本文想討論之核心重點。




Change the rapid progress of the times, and strong cross-border nature of the Corporate Crime, these enterprises in the face of the criminal charges, often want to shift the burden to individuals who for some members of the company, these scapegoats may be competent in name only without the real power, the designated oversight supervisor or engaging in harmful actions. Therefore, only the legal entity itself to take responsibility, legal persons only may the use of sufficient strength and have a strong incentive to reduce prevention officers and employees engaged in illegal activities and incentive policies. On the existing criminal law was established in the punishment of natural persons of the penalty system, although not suitable for the corporate activities of the various manifestations of crime, but that does not mean the legal person shall not be the norms of criminal law object. Address legal and other business organizations to the possibility of the main problems of crime must be from the socio-economic and anti-social psychological position to explore the actual activities of the enterprise organization, and to review the purpose of the illegal activities of business organizations to reach the curb, while the exercise of criminal sanctions is properly reasonably aspects. Deny the legal person of the crime in the traditional criminal law doctrine, but influenced by the Japanese legislature and compromise subsidiary of criminal law punishment legal requirements, but also caused a conflict on the criminal justice system: the core of criminal law is not to punish legal, why is the subsidiary of the Criminal Code can be punished ? The system of legal sanctions tied to criminal sanctions and administrative sanctions for the same behavior may be the existence of criminal sanctions the use of criminal punishment, administrative sanctions, administrative penalty or order a fine, parallel to penalize phenomenon. This phenomenon was due to the legislation to include the heavier part of the same conduct criminal lawless areas, while giving the legal effect of the penalty at the same time part of the lighter part of the act have not yet constitute a crime, to include administrative lawless field, giving the legal effect of the order of penalty, however, the crime of criminal illegal and administrative lawless boundaries who are still not clear. In order to solve the legal crime of criminal punishment or administrative punishment controversy, and the penalties to be imposed, and this article would like to discuss the core focus.


Legal persons Crime


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