  • 學位論文


The Problems of Foreign Blue-colar Worker’s Administration and Consultation: The Case of Central Taiwan.

指導教授 : 吳育仁


臺灣自1989 年10 月起以限業限量、補充性原則開放引進外勞,以紓解國內 基層勞動力不足的現象,更自2000 年起運用就業安定基金的經費在各縣市政府聘 用外勞檢查員及外勞諮詢員等,用以執行外勞生活、工作的輔導與訪視,實地瞭 解外勞受僱工作的情形,但目前由各縣市政府負責實際執行外勞管理與諮詢服務 時究竟面臨了什麼執行問題呢?基此,本研究以中部地區縣市政府,如臺中市、 彰化縣及南投縣等地作為調查的區域,以立意抽樣方式(purposeful sampling) 深度訪談20 名外勞檢查員及外勞諮詢員,希冀透過蒐集與記錄受訪者在縣市政府 的實務工作經驗.輔加參考國內多位公共政策學者專家所提出之影響政策執行的 要素,如執行組織、執行人力、執行裁量與執行行為等層面,用以綜合分析目前 縣市政府外勞管理與諮詢服務的實務推動情形,以及所面臨的執行問題。 本研究依研究結果提出結論與建議,期能提供中央及縣市政府未來推動本項 業務的參考,建議如下: 1、重視配置合宜的組織結構,提高執行組織的重視度; 2、參酌行政區域異質性而編制適宜的人力編制,鼓勵具備專業證照,以培育執行 人力的專業職能; 3、加強專業訓練之課程內容、時數,提升執行人員服務品質; 4、建構與強化相關單位(例如移民署各地專勤事務隊、警察局、1955 專線)執行 網絡的分工合作與協調機制,以增進工作交流與問題解決; 5、建立違法案件聯合審查的工作小組與勞資爭議案件的中介調處機制,促使案件 的處理與裁量行為均能符合公正客觀與適法性; 6、政策的頒訂應有正式且廣泛的宣導措施,以尋求執行人員的認同,進而獲致社 會大眾的支持與配合。 關鍵詞:藍領外籍勞工、外勞管理與諮詢服務、政策執行、政策執行影響因素、 1955 諮詢保護專線


In recent years, the unbalanced labor supply and demand in Taiwan has resulted in a lack of basic manpower. In response to the labor shortage, the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA)decided to open up Taiwan’s labor market to foreign workers starting from October 1989. Furthermore, since 2000, CLA has applied the Employment Security Funds to employ inspectors and consultants of foreign workers in local governments, providing counseling service and administration for foreign workers and understanding their living and working condition. However what kind of problems the local authorities would face on carrying out administration and counseling to foreign workers? Therefore, this research puts emphasis on the local governments of central Taiwan, such as Chunghwa county, Taichung city and Nantou county, by the way of depth interview on 20 inspectors and consultants chosen who are chosen by purposeful sampling. For the sake of analyzing the problems what they face, this research is by collecting and recording their working experience and the reference to the effected factors of policy implementation, like implemental organizations, implemental human resource, implemental discretion and the implemental behavior presented by several public policy experts. The conclusion and suggestion of this research are as follows, hoping to provide government the reference to this business. 1. Set up adequate structure to enhance the value of executive organization. 2. Refer to the differentiation in the administration district to do appropriate manpower establishment, and encourage whoever has professional certificate to improve their executive ability. 3. Strengthen the professional training hours and content to promote the quality of executors. 4. Build up and strengthen the network of related authorities, such as local service stations of immigration, police stations and free hotline 1955, to enhance work interaction and problem solution. 5. Build up the joint investigating team on illegal cases and the adjusting mechanism of third party on dispute mediation to achieve justice, objectivity and legitimacy of the discretion. 6. A policy issued should have formal and widespread advocacy to seek the executor’s recognition and the public’s support and cooperation. Keywords:Foreign Bule-colar Workers, Administration and Consultation on Foreign Workers, Policy Implementation, Affecting Factors in Implementing, Free Hotline 1955.


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