  • 學位論文


The Exploration and Influence Factors of Employment Policy of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Spouses

指導教授 : 許繼峰


涉及外籍與大陸配偶就業相關的政策,主要有工作許可規範、職業訓練、就業促進、就業服務及就業保險等各種面向。本研究將外籍與大陸配偶就業政策視為暴露在環境影響下一政治系統的運作,而政府權威在制定婚姻移民就業政策時,所採取的積極行動或是消極不作為,皆會對婚姻移民之工作權益造成極大的影響。 綜觀國內與外籍與大陸配偶相關之研究,均僅針對當時的移民就業法制提出建議,並無針對政府歷年政策演變或以政策制定過程為探討面向之研究。據此,本研究以分析我國外籍與大陸配偶就業政策的發展與變遷為目的,並試圖解釋發展與變遷的原因。在蒐集歷年和外籍與大陸配偶就業各種相關文獻後,以內容分析法歸納出我國外籍與大陸配偶在各時期之工作權與內外環境發生之事件,以及影響歷年政策方針、相關法令規範之制定及修訂過程的各種因素。 本研究發現,在工作許可方面,外籍與大陸配偶的工作權益因受不同法令規範而有不同的處遇,其能否工作又與居留權的相關規定密切相關。不同於外籍配偶,大陸配偶長年來空有工作權卻因居留制度而無法就業,此種分立情形經逐年修正後在2009年才達成公平一致。相反地,並非分立的就業保障措施自1999年起日益完善,對外籍與大陸配偶就業有相當的正面效益。由於政治文化、社經條件、利益團體、輿論、國際因素、政黨、立法部門以及行政部門等各種影響力,我國對外籍與大陸配偶的就業逐漸從阻礙轉而協助。最後,本研究認為漸進模型較適於解釋此政策的逐年妥協與修正,這些微幅調整架構出我國婚姻移民就業政策的演變過程。


The employment policy of foreign and mainland Chinese spouses include work permission, vocational training, employment promotion, employment service and em-ployment insurance. In this study, regard the employment policy of foreign and main-land Chinese spouses as an operation of political systems and be influenced by the environment. When government authority set up the employment policy for marriage immigrant, they may take positive action or do nothing. All of them will cause a great deal of impact to employment rights of marriage immigrant. According to all the research of foreign and mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan, there were suggestions for the employment policy or law at that time but no mention of the exploration or policy-making process. Therefore, this study analyze the devel-opment of the employment policy of foreign and mainland Chinese spouses with the explanation of how it be. After gathering extensive documents about the employment of foreign and mainland Chinese spouses on record. The study generalizes any event that may affect the policy guidelines or formulation of regulations in each period by Content analysis. On the side of work permission, this study found that obvious difference between the employment rights of foreign and mainland Chinese spouses due to residence permit. It was difficult for mainland Chinese spouses to get a job because of the residence permission instead of work permission. The divided situation finally got better and became fairer in 2009 after correcting year by year. On the contrary, the measure of employment security has applied to not only foreign spouses but also mainland Chinese spouses that have been of great benefit. The employment policy of marriage immigrant change obstruction to assistance due to the variety of influence such as political culture, socio-economic factors, interest groups, public opinion, in-ternational factors, political parties, the legislative branch and administrative departments. In conclusion, this study considers that the incremental model is more suitable to explain the marginal adjustments for the exploration of employment policy of foreign and mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan.


