  • 學位論文

中美經貿關係於人民幣匯率議題的互動:Alexander Wendt社會建構論之研究觀點

US-China Economic and Trade Relationship In the Issue of Renminbi (RMB) Exchange Rate: The view of Alexander Wendt Social Constructionism

指導教授 : 宋學文


中美兩國目前關係發展緊密,從經貿關係更能看出中美之間存在競爭中有合作;合作中有競爭,其競合關係是難以切割的,中美經貿議題成國際社會關注焦點,隨著中國經濟實力的快速崛起,人民幣匯率議題受到國際的關注,尤其是美國透過許多管道和在眾多的國際場合對中國匯率予以關切,儘管中美為維護各自的利益而發生許多摩擦,但日益擴大的雙邊經貿交流帶給雙方更大的利益,即使兩國的經濟結構存在很大差異,但彼此具有各自的比較優勢。 Alexander Wendt的社會建構主義主要有幾個核心主張:國家是國際政治理論的主要分析單元;國際體系的關鍵結構是的相互主體性(intersubjective)而非物質性(Material);國家身份和利益是社會結構所構成的重要部分,而非由體系內人性或國內政治等外生給定因素所構成。本論文從Alexander Wendt社會建構論的理論視角,檢視中美之間於人民幣匯率議題上的互動,雙方對於各自利益的認知均不同,產生對匯率議題的各自表述和折衝,希望進而從中發現中美之間關係的變與不變。 將探討核心幾項問題美國不斷的透過各種管道和手段向中國匯率問題施壓,其對中國經濟實力的崛起認知為何?背後的理念為以及影響和建構理念的因素為何?中國如何回應美國的壓力,其認知為何?其背後的理念以及影響和建構理念的因素為何?面對中美雙方的認知的差距,試圖從社會建構的角度來分析,所建構的理念產生的身份和認同,中美雙方的認知如何在匯率議題上交會?以及對中美之間的關係發展影響程度為何? 最後提出和而不同的觀念放到中美關係中可能是除了競合關係外的第三條路,你有你的原則;我有我的原則,但不盲目苟同,彼此尊重互相包容,在和諧氣氛的當中協商雙方都能接受的事務與共識,並與AlexanderWendt的相互主體性(intersubjective)相互輝映。


According to China and America closely Economic and Trade relation, it is difficult to separate the relation of competition and cooperation. As China economic has been rising quickly, RMB exchange rate have become an International issue. Especially, United States through many channels and international occasions concerned about China's exchange rate, despite a lot of friction in China and United States to keep their respective interests and different economic structure, but the growing bilateral economic and trade bring more interest for the two sides. Alexander Wendt argued that social Constructivism is a structural theory of the international system that makes the following coreclaims: Firstly, states are the principal units of analysis for international political theory. Secondly, the key structures in the states system are intersubjective, rather than material. Finally, state identities and interests are in important part constructed by these social structures, rather than given exogenously to the system by human nature or domestic politics. Therefore this paper will discuss US-ChinaEconomic and Trade RelationshipInthe Issue of Renminbi (RMB) Exchange Rate by the view of Alexander Wendt social constructionism. We will research these issues in this paper: Why United Statesgive a lot of pressure into China exchange rate and what are the purposes and the reasons? How will China respond with the pressure and what are the purposes and the reasons? According to the different opinion between China and United States, we will try to analyze the identity and the opinion from the point of social Constructivism, and what is the influence on the relation of China and United States. To sum up, There is the third track beyond US-China competition and cooperation relation due to respect and tolerate into each other. Both of them can accept affair and common consensus in an agreeable atmosphere, also contract what Alexander Wundtargued“intersubjective”.


