  • 學位論文


Motives of Women entrepreneurs and Micro-Business Startup Phoenix Program the use of loan services in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許繼峰


經濟合作暨發展組織認為,女性創業不僅有助於改善國家經濟與社會發展,更是矯正性別歧視與創造就業機會的一種途徑。亞太經濟合作會議也承認微型企業是促進性別平等、減輕貧窮及強化社會安全等目標的有效方法。   近年來我國女性教育程度逐年提升、性別平等意識高漲、服務業蓬勃發展與資訊科技的發達,讓女性得以走出家庭,投入勞動市場,而知識經濟的發展、貿易自由化及全球化,增長了女性創業的助力。 我國政府近10年來致力提供女性創業者多元化、多面向的輔導資源措施,由於缺乏婦女事務最高的指導單位,造成各部會輔導資源的交錯重疊,也很容易混淆女性創業者尋求資源的焦點。 本研究選取20名申請微型創業鳳凰貸款之女性創業者進行深度訪談,藉此瞭解女創業者性申請微型創業鳳凰貸款之動機為何,申請貸款之後是否仍出現資金短缺的問題;其次為女性創業者在申請貸款與日後經營事業分別遭遇哪些困難,勞委會提供的後續輔導措施能否協助女性創業者度過難關;最後則是瞭解女性創業者對於後續輔導措施之看法與建議。 研究結果發現:   (1)受訪者的創業動機可分為三類:一為自主創業,主要是為了滿足企圖心與成就感,占了半數以上,創業前多有相關工作經驗,能自行解決問題;二為誘發創業,以兼顧家庭與事業或二度就業困難為主,大多具備從事相關行業之經驗,因此遇到問題也能自行解決;三為混合創業,主要是因緣際會或是有相關工作經驗,如果僅是因緣際會而投入創業,很容易在創業遭遇不少問題,因此最需要勞委會提供的後續協助。   (2)女性創業困難方面主要可分為四類:一為創業初期缺乏資金、人脈與學習對象;二為經營時期遭遇資金週轉、品牌推廣、人事、存貨管理問題;三為家人支持;四為政府的輔導資源整合不夠完善。   (3)在貸款取得方面可分為六點:一為女性創業者申請貸款動機主要為資金短缺,其次為以備不時之需;二為得知貸款訊息來源有政府、親友、代辦公司、同業等,其中許多受訪者表示在辦妥營業登記之後,陸續收到不同代辦公司的文宣騷擾欲騙取代辦費;三為實際核貸的金額貸款落差在20至50萬的區間;四為部分受訪者曾受到銀行的刁難;五為創業研習課程有助於創業籌備,但多著重實體店面;六為需確實執行申貸資格限制,以避免被大企業佔用資源。   (4)所有受訪者不曾使用微型創業鳳凰貸款的後續輔導措施是因為沒有時間、不知情或有總公司作為後盾;但部分受訪者對於企業見習則持肯定態度,認為能使欲創業者瞭解創業可能遭遇之困難;但在商品行銷網路部分,多數受訪者認為助益不是很大;此外,多數受訪者認為勞委會過於被動,並沒有落實定期紀錄追蹤創業者的狀況。   (5)雖然顧問在指導受訪者撰寫創業計畫書、市場行銷方面有一定的助益,卻未必能夠針對受訪者現有資金去作相關規劃;其次鑒於部分顧問私下指派業務要求女性創業者加入會員以獲得更好的服務,以及部分顧問在外面設立代辦公司賺取代辦費,甚至顧問做不久便落跑的事件,本研究建議勞委會可以進行顧問篩選。


Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) believes that women entrepreneurs not only contribute to improving the country's economic and social development, but also help to correct gender discrimination and create employment opportunities. In addition, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference recognize micro-enterprises as an effective way to promote gender equality, poverty alleviation and strengthen the purpose of social security.   In recent years, the elevation of female education level in Taiwan, the rising awareness of gender equality, the booming service industry and the development of information technology make women being able to leave their homes and enter the labor market, and the development of knowledge economy, trade liberalization and globalization also increase women the power of entrepreneurship.   The government has been devoted to providing women entrepreneurs the diverse and multi-faceted counseling resources measures during the past 10 years. However, due to the lack of guidance unit of the women's affairs, the counseling resources provided by separate ministries and departments overlap, and it is easy to confuse the focus of the women entrepreneurs when seeking resources.   20 women entrepreneurs applying for the Micro-entrepreneurs Phoenix Loans are invited for in-depth interviews in this study to understand the motives of the applicants of the Micro-entrepreneurs Phoenix Loans and whether they have encounter the problem of shortage of funds; The following issues are examined in this paper, including the difficulties that the applicants have encountered when they were applying for the loans as well as after they have run their business for a period of time, whether the follow-up counseling provided by the Council of Labor Affairs can assist applicants to survive, and the women entrepreneurs’ views and recommendations of the follow-up counseling measures. The major findings are:   (1) Entrepreneurial motivation of the interviewees can be divided into three categories: one for their own businesses, mainly in order to satisfy the ambition and accomplishment, accounting for more than half, more relevant work experience in the venture, to solve problems on their own; two to induce entrepreneurial to both family and career and job difficulties, most of them have experience in related industries, and therefore encounter problems can be resolved; mixed venture, chance encounter, or relevant work experience, if only cause the occasion will be invested in the business, it is easy to encounter many problems in the business, and therefore most in need of follow-up assistance provided by the Council of Labor Affairs.   (2) Women entrepreneurs difficulties can be divided into four categories: a lack of funding for the early start, contacts and learning objects; encounter cash flow, brand promotion, personnel, inventory management problems for the operation period; family support; four counseling resources for government integration is not perfect.   (3) In terms of the loans, the findings can be divided into the following six points: First, the motives for women entrepreneurs to apply for the loans are mainly for the capital shortage and, secondarily, for the precautions in case of a rainy day. Second, the sources of the loan information are from the government, relatives, friends, agency companies, or other people of the same trade. What’s more, many of the interviewees continually received harassment from many agents wishing to defraud them of the agency fees after they completed certificate of profit seeking enterprise. Third, the loans drop of the actual loan amounts range between 20 and 50 million dollars. Fourth, some interviewees had been subjected to the bank's making things difficult. Fifth, the entrepreneurial workshops help venture preparatory, yet more emphasis is put to the physical stores. Sixth, the qualification of the loan application must be implemented with certainty to avoid the big businesses occupying the resources.   (4) All interviewees never make use of the follow-up counseling measures for Micro-Business Startup Phoenix Program because some of them lack time, some are unaware of the service, and some have the support of the headquarters; However, some interviewees hold a positive attitude to the corporate trainee for that they think it help entrepreneurs understand the difficulties they may encounter when starting their business. As for the part of online marketing, the majority of the interviewees think that the benefit is not large. In addition, most interviewees also think that CLA is too passive and failed to keep regular tracking records of the status of the entrepreneurs.   (5) The consultants help the interviewees in guiding them write business plan and in marketing, but they may not be capable of making plans for the interviewees’ funds according to their current conditions. What’s more, in view of some consultants’ behaviors of privately assigning female entrepreneurs to join memberships to get better service, as well as some consultants’ setting up of consultancy agency outside to earn agency fees, or even the consultants’ running away from their works, this study suggests that CLA can set up the consultant screening.




蘇秀娟(2015)。探討內部創業成功的關鍵因素: 以M壽險公司為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614031442
