  • 學位論文


Employee’s Intrinsic Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: The Mediating Effects of Organizational Identification

指導教授 : 連雅慧


在大環境較差的情況下,以獎金薪酬方式激勵員工對員工而言反而成為了壓力。不景氣的現象,業績難以達成,員工獎金縮水相對收入也減少。在這樣的環境下,外在動機無法激勵員工。Steers(1997)說:「要能從員工的身上取得更多的東西,惟有透過組織的各項管理措施,強化員工組織支持認知,來增加員工工作滿足,提昇組織承諾,也惟有當個人與組織連結的強度越強,員工也將更願意在工作上付出更多的努力。」企業是否可提高員工的內在動機進而影響他的表現,這是本研究所要探討的。因此,本研究主要探討員工內在動機是否會影響工作滿意、工作績效以及加入組織認同的中介,探討其中介的影響,並針對研究結果提出建議,作為實務及學術上的參考。 本研究透過問卷調查,以單一企業普查方式進行資料蒐集,以一間精品零售業的員工為研究對象,最後得到70份有效問卷,並將回收問卷以統計方法驗證,研究結果發現︰ 一、 員工內在激勵因素與工作滿意有顯著正相關。 二、 員工內在激勵因素與工作績效有顯著正相關。 三、 組織認同對內在動機及工作滿意之間具有中介效果。 四、 組織認同對內在動機及工作績效之間具有中介效果。


Under global recession, using bonus salary based to motivate employees will cause their stress. Because of this economic environment, employees are hard to achieve the target and get the bonus. So it’s hard to using extrinsic motivation to motivate employee. Steers (1997) shows that if the employee finds the organization to be more supportive, a higher level of organizational commitment will result. The employee will be willing to do more. Therefore, this research is aimed to investigate the correlation of employee’s intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, job performance and the mediate effect of organizational identification. This study focus on single company and get 70 valid questionnaires. The results are showing as following: 1. Employee’s intrinsic motivation has significantly positive effect on job satisfaction. 2. Employee’s intrinsic motivation has significantly positive effect on job performance. 3. Organizational identification has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between employee’s intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction. 4. Organizational identification has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between employee’s intrinsic motivation and job performance.




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陳韋利(2016)。自卑感與工作績效相關性之研究 -以自我效能為中介變數〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614050305
