  • 學位論文


The Study Of Couple Communication Experiences Among Male Abuser Of Marital Violence

指導教授 : 邱獻輝 林明傑


根據內政部統計,婚姻暴力是所有家庭暴力中占最多的類型,顯示婚姻問題是一個亟需重視的社會問題。本研究主要目的為探討婚姻暴力相對人與配偶的溝通經驗,理解相對人與配偶溝通之經驗。本研究採用質性訪談的方式蒐集資料,深度訪談五名婚姻暴力相對人,每人約訪談二~三次,並將訪談資料轉為逐字稿文本,進行主題分析,找出與溝通經驗相關的主要命題。分析結果如下: 本研究除一名受訪者是與配偶交往過一段時間才結婚,其餘受訪者決定婚姻的時間倉促,與配偶交往時間不長,原因包括為了「傳宗接代,跨國娶妻」、「到了適婚年齡」,認為應該要結婚、或「只是想要找個伴侶」,有人陪伴,感情基礎不堅固。在婚姻衝突溝通因素與議題部分,發現衝突的議題有「夫妻彼此想法有落差」、「經濟與金錢的問題」、「配偶與期待有落差」、「配偶破壞家庭一體感」以及「外遇」的問題。 在婚姻暴力發生之前,多數受訪者表示曾與配偶溝通互動良好,很少爭吵,直到敏感問題出現,不良溝通模式逐漸累積,本研究發現的不良溝通現象有「要求─退縮」之溝通模式、配偶單方面強勢溝通、丈夫壓抑忍讓、雙方逃避溝通、配偶出現暴力語言、配偶隱匿又模糊的溝通以及其他負面的溝通型態,其中配偶在溝通過程中有不顧丈夫面子、尊嚴的現象,引起受訪者的不滿。 在婚姻暴力發生當下,會重現之前常用的不良溝通模式,主要是「要求─退縮」溝通模式,其它出現的不良溝通現象有:配偶不回應、配偶不舒服的回應和拒絕不聽勸告,部分受訪者選擇放棄溝通,情緒不斷累積後,終究失控出手。婚姻暴力事件發生後,雙方不願意接觸與溝通,大部分受訪者與配偶互不接觸,拒絕修復彼此關係。僅有一名受訪者例外,仍與配偶同住,可能原因是對配偶有感激之情。 根據研究結果,本研究針對實務工作提出以下建議:一、夫妻學習傾聽與適度的表達;二、溝通時,考量面子問題;三、適度的忍讓,而非壓抑憤怒;四、溝通時,學習尊重彼此;五、面對問題,不要退縮。對未來研究提出以下建議:一、增加受害人之夫妻溝通經驗資料;二、增加訪談女性相對人夫妻溝通經驗資料。


According to Ministry of the Interior Statistics, Marital violence is the most type among domestic violence. That means marital problem is a social problem that much-needed attention. The purpose of this study is to explore communication experience with their partner among male abuser of marital violence. This study adopted qualitative interviews method to collect data. Five marital violence offenders individual in-depth interviewing, per interviewee interviews about two to three times. This study use thematic analysis to analysis verbatim text and extract the main propositions. The findings are as follows: Only one interviewee have long romantic relationship with partner before get married, the rest rush determine their marriage. The reasons are follows: " Have a son to carry on the family name, cross-national marriages" , " Nubile", that he think it’s time to get married, or " Just want to find a partner "to accompany .The foundation of their emotional connection are weak. About marital conflict communication factors and issues, The findings are " Husband and wife have different opinion", "The economy and money problem", "The expectations gap", " Partner violence we-ness", and "Affair" issue. The majority of interviewee have good communication and interaction with their partner before marital violence happened, they seldom argue, until the conflict issue emerge. The poor communication mode was accumulate gradually. This study found poor communication include "Demand-Withdraw" communication, " Spouse one-way communication", "Husband repress anger and yield", "Both evade communicate", "Spouse Verbal Abuse", " Spouse hide and vague communicate", and other negative communication patterns. Which the spouse regardless of her husband face and dignity in the communication process. That cause their dissatisfaction to their spouse. In the marital violence occurred moment, the same poor communication mode are reappear, the main mode is "Demand-Withdraw" communication. Other poor communication include: the spouse does not respond, the spouse uncomfortable respond, or refuse to listen advice. Some interviewee choose give up communicate with their spouse. When the emotion accumulate, they can’t control themself and use violence eventually. After the marital violence incident, both side unwilling to contact and communication, and refused to repair their relationship. Only one interviewee still live with his spouse, the possible reason is out of gratitude. Based on the research findings, the researcher propose several recommendations for reference in practice : 1. Both husband and wife learn listening and appropriate expression. 2. Consider both face when communicate. 3. Appropriate yield, not depress anger. 4. learn to respect each other when communicate. 5. Face the problem, do not retreat. For the future research: 1. Increase the victim's communication data. 2. Increase the female interview date.




