  • 學位論文


Narrative Study of Forbearance Experiences within Intimate Partner Violence Based on Male Perpetrators.

指導教授 : 邱獻輝


本研究從自身經驗出發,包含成長經驗中對「忍」的體悟,以及接觸實務和質性研究工作時,觀察到男性親密暴力者於關係中的「忍」係導致親密暴行的重要原因之一,期探究男性親密暴力者「忍」之心理歷程、選擇「忍」的背景因素、以及對「忍」的主觀感受和想法。研究方法以建構主義派典為基礎,以敘事探究的方式做資料的蒐集與分析,期望從男性親密暴力者的主觀現象場瞭解其生命經驗與犯行脈絡。 受訪者係兩位家暴專監的男性親密暴力犯A和B,均屬非慣性暴力者,先後進行三到四次的半結構式深度訪談,每次訪談約歷時1~3小時,受訪者A的訪談與初步分析文本已能回答研究問題後才進行受訪者B的訪談,受訪者B亦秉持相同的原則。訪談時遵循建構主義之磋商、澄清之精神與受訪者耐心對談,訪談文本的分析採敘事探究的「整體─內容」方式,以及紮根理論的編碼程序,輔以文獻參考、與協同分析者討論、向指導教授請益、和自我省思,反覆比對與思考後,建構出受訪者A與B的生命歷程敘說,並個別繪製「生命歷程圖」,再進一步針對受訪者A與B共同經歷的生命經驗或價值觀做跨個案分析比較,產生綜合結果。 研究結果分為受訪者A的生命歷程探究、受訪者B的生命歷程探究、以及跨個案分析結果三個部份。根據生命故事所浮現的主題,研究者依時間順序為主要階段命名,得到受訪者A的四個生命主題:「一、環境形塑傳統思維」、「二、砍妻脈絡:退無可退」、「三、角色轉換的時空錯位感」、「四、沉澱遺憾怡然自得」;以及受訪者B的三個生命主題:「一、成長經驗養成上進心」、「二、潑酸脈絡:失衡的秤子」、「三、回顧生命之成敗」。跨個案分析結果亦依據時間脈絡得到四個主題:「一、原生家庭:楷模」、「二、犯行脈絡:忍無可忍」、「三、痛定思痛:重新定位」、「四、期許:掙脫桎梏」。 本研究也根據研究結果和現有文獻,針對「忍」的文化意涵、本研究對象的施暴原委、以及與現有施暴者分類模式的對照等,進行討論,並得出結論與建議。


This study is grounded in researcher’s own experience, including forbearance in growing experiences, practices as well as qualitative researches. Researcher observed that one of the important reasons for male perpetrators of intimate violence is the experiences of forbearance in intimate relationship. Consequently, the study explored the psychological process, forbearance background factors, as well as subjective feelings and opinions in intimate conflicts of male perpetrators. The methodology of this study followed constructivism paradigm, as the data collecting and text analysis followed narrative research. The research expected to understand male perpetrators’ life experiences and crime context from their subjective phenomenological field. Two male perpetrators from intimate partner violence, A and B, were recruited as the research participants. Semi-structured individual in-depth interviews were conducted respectively for 3-4 times, 1-3 hours per time. Until the preliminary text analysis of participant A has been able to answer the research questions, interviews of participant B conducted. Participant B followed the same principles. After that, the record content were translated into transcript as texts for analysis. The study is on the basis of holistic-form analysis and coding of grounded theory, supplemented with literature, discussion with collaborative analyst, advice from main professor, and self-reflection. Through repeatedly comparisons and reflection, researcher constructed life stories of participants A and B. Furthermore, researcher contrasted the life experiences and values of participants A and B, also generated consolidated results. The findings are as follows. Four main stages of life stories of participant A: (1) Environment shaping conventional thinking; (2) Wife-slash context: no more compromises; (3) Adjustment difficulties of role reversal; (4) Settling down the past and feeling relieved. Three main stages of life stories of participant B: (1) Growing experiences developing strong ambition; (2) Acid-splash context: Unbalanced mind; (3) Recalling the success and failures of life. Four stages across participants A and B by time: (1) Original family: the model; (2) The crime context: no more endurance; (3) After crime: repositioning; (4) Expectation: getting rid of shackles. According to the results from above and the available literatures, the study conducted the discussions aiming at the meaning and effects of forbearance as well as the causes and typology of intimate partner violence, and came to conclusions and recommendations.


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