  • 學位論文


Relationship between Firm Competitiveness and Factors Affecting Knowledge Management Implementation – Evidences from the Knitting Machinery Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 洪育忠


摘 要 隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,僱傭型態從以往的「勞力供給」逐漸轉變為「知識供給」型態,有鑑於這個轉變,使得企業人力資源管理的重心,由勞力資本及資金資本逐漸移轉為智慧資本之管理。企業在成本壓力考量下要保持競爭優勢的唯一方式,就是要確保企業學習速度比競爭者要快,要確保企業學習比競爭者快,就要做好知識管理。 在美國次級房貸風暴演變成全球金融風暴的影響,台灣出口受到全球金融風暴所衍生需求衰退的衝擊,而產生減緩的現象。全球景氣滑落速度超乎預期,企業為節省成本同時維持競爭力,在實施企業精簡瘦身及再造時,如何有效地「管理」知識持續保持競爭優勢,成了企業的當務之急。 我國機械工業發展歷程中,對於台灣工業化最有貢獻之紡織及成衣機械業中,針織機械業是屬於最具有國際競爭力之產業機械。如何在目前大都為中、小企業規模居多的產業特性、下游紡織產業陸陸續續大量外移的環境、機械工業員工流動率高、業界產品同質性高以及技術不易累積狀況下,使企業能持續維持國際競爭力將是一個重要課題。本研究將根據國內、外文獻資料彙整整理,嘗試以探索性因素分析法萃取出針織機械業導入知識管理系統的關鍵成功因素,並運用多元回歸分析方式嘗試瞭解針織機械業導入知識管理系統的關鍵成功因素與提升企業競爭力之關聯性。 本研究問卷架構參酌相關理論及歸納整理過去國內、外學者在導入知識管理成功因素,作為本研究之問卷變數,28個變數經採用因素分析主成分法萃取共獲得4個關鍵成功因素,分別為「員工管理及企業文化」、「資訊科技的整合及運用」、「績效考核與獎勵制度」及「高階主管的支持與規劃」。再運用多元迴歸分析檢定企業競爭力與所萃取的4個因素之關聯性及顯著性。經分析結果顯示除「績效考核與獎勵制度」正相關但不具顯著性外,其他「員工管理及企業文化」、「資訊科技的整合及運用」、及「高階主管的支持與規劃」皆具有正相關之顯著性。


Abstract With the advent of a Knowledge-Based Economy period, the employment patterns from the previous "labor supply" into "knowledge supply". In view of this change, the focus of the human resource management in the Businesses from "labor capital" and "financial capital" transferred to "intellectual capital". How to businesses can maintain a competitive advantage in resource-limited situations? It is the only way the learning speed is faster than competitors. To ensure learning faster than competitors, it is necessary to build a maturity knowledge management system. The US subprime mortgage crisis has led to the world economical and financial crisis. Taiwan's export trade value is severely reduced by the global financial turmoil. Demand reduction impact of the scope and the recession much faster than expected in the global financial turmoil. In order to cost down while maintain businesses competitiveness. When businesses are doing downsizing and recycling, how to effectively management of knowledge maintain competitive advantage become a business imperative. In the course of development of Taiwan's machinery industry, the greatest contribution to Taiwan's industrialization of the textile and garment machinery industry, the knitting machinery industry is among the most international competitiveness of industrial machinery. In the characteristics of the industry are mostly small-scale enterprises, downstream textile industry after another to a large number of the outflows of the environment, the machinery industry employee high turnover rate, the industry's high product homogeneity, and technology is not easy accumulation, so that businesses can sustain the international competition power is an important issue. This study will be based on domestic and foreign literature, it attempts to extract the critical success factors of the knitting machinery industry into a knowledge management system by exploratory factor analysis method and then use of multiple regression analysis to try to understand relationship between firm competitiveness and factors affecting knowledge management implementation. The questionnaire structure of this research referred to the theoretical of the domestic and foreign scholars and summarized the 28 variables and then used principal components method of exploratory factor analysis to extract 4 factors. They are "employee management and enterprise culture", "Integration and use of information technology", "performance assessment and rewards" and "top management support and planning" respectively and then use multiple regression analysis to understand correlation and significance between competitiveness and factors affecting knowledge management implementation. This research analyze the results "performance assessment and rewards" is positive correlation but non-significant, "employee management and enterprise culture", "Integration and use of information technology" and "top management support and planning" all have positive correlation and significant.


陳美玉(民95)。從內隱知識的觀點論教師學習與專業發展。課程與教學季刊,9 (3),1~13。
