  • 學位論文


A Study on the Correlation between Teachers’ Positive Discipline and Students’ Deviant Behavior at Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Tainan City

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


摘要 本研究主要目的在探討臺南市高中職校學生對教師正向管教與其偏差行為相關之研究。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具經由文獻的探討,及與指導教授的討論後,進行研究問卷的編製與預試。研究者依預試結果修改之後,發展成「高中職生知覺教師正向管教與偏差行為之相關研究調查問卷」,針對臺南市高中職校學生進行問卷調查。本研究採隨機抽樣方式,發出問卷共2,400份,得有效樣本數2,300份。將所得資料以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究所獲致的結論如下: 一、高中職學生知覺教師正向管教是持正面肯定的,以「合理的管教措施」較高,而以「正向的支持態度」較低。 二、目前高中職生的偏差行為屬於低嚴重程度,以「學業適應問題」層面上最高最嚴重,其次為「內向性行為問題」,而以「外向性行為問題」較輕微。 三、女生在知覺教師正向管教顯著高於男生。男生在偏差行為上大多顯著高於女生,但在內向性偏差行為層面女生卻顯著高於男生。 四、不同校別、學制別、就讀年級、班級人數在學生知覺教師正向管教上有差異: (一)就讀公立高中職學生在顯著高於私立高中職,綜合高中顯著高於普通科與職業科學生。 (二)就讀年級在整體知覺上無顯著差異,但一年級在「良好的情緒管理」上顯著高於二、三年級。 (三)班級人數為31-40人的學生顯著高於班級人數為41-50人者。 五、不同校別、學制別、年級、班級人數的學生在偏差行為上有差異: (一)公私立高職學生整體偏差行為顯著高於公立高中。 (二)實用技能學程的學生整體偏差行為上顯著高於職業科者,職業科的學生也顯著高於普通科與綜合高中學生。 (三)一年級與二年級學生在內向性偏差行為上顯著高於三年級學生。 六、教師正向管與學生偏差行為上具有低度負相關性。 七、教師正向管教對學生偏差行為具有低度預測力。 根據研究結論,本研究提出具體建議供高中職學生、高中職教師、教育主管機關、學校行政單位以及未來研究者繼續深究。


Abstract The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the correlation between teachers’ positive discipline and students’ deviant behavior at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Tainan city. Questionnaires were applied in the study. Through the literature review and the adviser’s guidance, the questionnaire was made and pretested. Based on the results of the pretest, the researcher revised the questionnaire used to investigate the correlation between teachers’ positive discipline and students’ deviant behavior at senior high schools and vocational high schools, and the subjects of which were students at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Tainan City. All subjects were randomly selected. With 2,400 questionnaires being sent out, 2,300 questionnaires were effective. The data were analyzed with Mean, Standard Deviation, Independent Sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression. The results of the study are as follows: 1.Students at the senior high schools and vocational high schools have positive perception of teachers’ positive discipline. The most positive one is “Reasonable Discipline,” and the least positive one is “Positive Support and Attitude.” 2.Students’ deviant behavior at the senior high schools and vocational high schools was low severity. The most serious one is “Adaption Problems in Studies”; the next one is “Inner Behavior Problems,” and the least serious one is “Outer Behavior Problems.” 3.Female students’ perception of teachers’ positive discipline is higher than male students’. 4.Students’ perception of teachers’ positive discipline is different in terms of schools, educational systems, grades, numbers of the class members, and academic grades: (1)The perception is higher at public senior high schools and vocational high schools than at private ones. It is obviously higher at comprehensive high schools than at general departments and vocational departments. (2)There is no obvious difference in grades. In “Good-Emotion Management,” the perception is obviously higher in the 10th grade than in the 11th grade and the 12th grade. (3)The perception is obviously higher in the class with 31 to 40 students than in the class with 41 to 50 students. 5.Students’ perception of deviant behavior is different in terms of schools, educational systems, grades, numbers of the class members, and academic grades: (1)The public and private vocational high school students’ deviant behavior is more serious than the public senior high school students’. (2)Students of Pragmatic Skill Programs have more deviant behavior than students of vocational departments. Students of vocational departments also have more deviant behavior than students of general departments and comprehensive high schools. (3)Students in the 10th grade and in the 11th grade have more inner deviant behavior than students in the 12th grade. 6.There is negative correlation between teachers’ positive discipline and students’ deviant behavior. 7.Teachers’ positive discipline has a predictive power over students’ deviant behavior. According to the conclusion of the research, the relevant suggestions are proposed to students and teachers at senior high schools and vocational high schools, the educational administration, schools’ administrative organizations, and future researchers.




