  • 學位論文


The Progress of Veterans Retiring Preparation and the Revelation of active Aging Learning Needs in Southwest Area.

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


摘要:本研究對雲嘉南地區榮民退休準備歷程及其對活躍老化學習需求之啟示,研究目的為榮民退休準備情形分析;分析榮民退休準備歷程;瞭解榮民對活躍老化學習的需求。綜上述之研究,提出具體建議,提供榮民主管機關及榮民個人參考。 壹、本研究半結構式的訪談法,採立意取樣,共訪問八位榮民,經訪談結果分析,分三部份歸納: 一、榮民退休準備情形: (一)受訪者未接受退休準備學習教育,導致未瞭解個人的需求,審慎規劃退休後的生涯發展。 (二)受訪者尚有高齡父母及就學之子女,經濟負擔沉重。 (三)受訪者表示提早做退休準備並依自己的能力規劃,沒有困難。 (四)受訪者健康狀況良好者,期望延後退休並配合政策做到法定退休年齡,以符合『月休金』請領資格。 二、榮民退休準備歷程分析,在退休準備類型中歸納為五種類型。 (一)經濟獨立型。 (二)自我導向型。 (三)創業發展型。 (四)志願服務型。 五、延後退休型。 三、榮民活躍老化學習需求方面提出五個學習需求層面: (一)醫療保健方面學習需求。 (二)家庭與人際關係方面學習需求。 (三)休閒娛樂方面學習需求。 (四)退休生活規劃與技能方面學習需求。 (五)社會參與與心靈需求學習需求。 貳、綜上述之研究,提出具體建議,提供榮民主管機關及榮民個人參考。 一、對榮民主管機關之建議 (一)重視推動榮民退休準備教育,制定榮民退休準備教育相關政策。 (二)爭取榮民退休準備教育相關經費 (三)成立榮民退休準備教育中心 (四)針對榮民退休準備類型及活躍老化學習課程設計之建議。 二、對榮民個人之建議: (一)提早進行退休準備規劃,並將財務規劃視為人生規劃之一。 (二)主動參與學習、成功適應老年生活。


ABSTRACT:This study is focused on the preparation progress of veterans’ retirement and the revelation to active aging learning needs in southwest area, Taiwan. The main study purpose is to analyze preparative situation of retiring veterans; to analyze the progress of retired preparation and understand the needs of active aging learning. According to these comprehensive above studies, we purpose some concrete advices to provide reference for authorities and veterans. This study adopts semi-structured interview and judgment sampling. We summarize into three parts based on analysis of eight veterans’ interview. Ⅰ. The current situation preparation of the veteran’s retirement. a. The interviewees did not receive education of learning retiring preparation, which result in being short of realizing personal needs and planning carefully the career development after retirement. b. The interviewees have heavy economic burden due to caring aged parents and raising school children. c. The interviewees said that it is no difficult to plan on their own ability and prepare for retirement earlier. d. The health condition of interviewees is good. They hope delay the retirement to coordinate with policy to achieve the statutory retirement age in order to comply with the monthly pension claim eligibility. Ⅱ. Veterans retiring preparation process analysis grouped into five types. a. Economic independence. b. Self-oriented. c. Enterpriser development. d. Voluntary services. e. Delayed retirement. Ⅲ. Five learning needs stages of veterans’ active aging learning needs. a. Needs for medical care. b. Needs for family and interpersonal relationship. c. Needs for leisure and entertainment. d. Retirement plan and skill learning needs. e. Public affair participation and spiral learning needs. To summarize above studies and make concrete recommendation provide the reference for the veterans and the competent authorities of veterans. Ⅰ. The advice for the competent authorities of veterans. a. Put attention on promoting veterans retiring preparation education, and formulate associated policy. b. Fight for the budget for veterans retiring preparation education. c. Establish an education center for veterans retiring preparation. d. Design active aging learning needs courses according to the types of veterans retiring preparation, Ⅱ. Advice for veterans individuals. a. Proceed planning retiring preparation earlier, and regard financial planning as one of the life planning. b. Participate learning actively, and then successfully adapt the life in old age.




