  • 學位論文


Feasibility study of Certified Retirement Counselor in Taiwan-A case study of International Foundation for Retirement Education (InFRE).

指導教授 : 林麗惠


本研究旨在探討退休諮詢顧問認證之可行性,具體而言,本研究之目包含探究退休諮詢顧問認證對我國之重要性、我國未來發展退休諮詢顧問認證之可行性,並提出我國未來發展退休諮詢顧問認證之策略。本研究採半結構式訪談法,訪談七位學術界及公部門人事主管,獲致八項結論: 一、退休諮詢顧問認證不僅能符應未來社會變遷情勢,亦可弭平現有退休制度之不足,對社會有其重要性 二、退休諮詢顧問可為各年齡層的個體,提供個別化的完整解決方案,對個體有其重要性 三、推動前的評估作業包含調查退休規劃的需求與建立跨領域平台 四、退休諮詢顧問適合以非營利組織推動,並與大學、政府組成策略聯盟合作 五、推展退休諮詢顧問認證頇考量文化差異,借鏡五大知識領域,並增加行銷、方案規劃與輔導相關知能 六、培訓退休諮詢顧問頇考量受訓對象的先備知識與課程的實用性 七、市場尚未成熟、缺乏退休規劃認知、經濟考量及個人隱私為推動退休諮詢顧問認證的阻礙因素 八、透過行銷與研究、由政府建立認證制度、強化認證之品質、針對高收入族群進行詴辦以及建立隱私保護機制為推展策略 綜上結論,本研究分別對政府部門、大專院校及未來推展退休諮詢顧問之組織提出建議,首先,政府部門應研擬配套措施並提高國人對退休規劃議題的重視,其次,大專院校應開設退休領域相關課程培育人才,進行實證研究,建立跨領域平台及策略聯盟,最後,未來推展退休諮詢顧問組織應強化退休諮詢顧問認證品質,發展退休規劃完整知識領域及培訓設計,並提供誘因與試辦吸引更多人。


The aim of this study is to explore the feasibility of Certified Retirement Counselor (CRC) in Taiwan by taking InFRE for example.In order to achieve the purposes of study, the interview is adopted. Research results are summarized as follows: 1. CRC fits social trends, filling the shortage of the retirement system. 2. CRC could provide individual services for different ages. 3. The pre-operating for promoting CRC including retirement needs survey, and building a platform of interdisciplinary exchange. 4. Founding Non-profit organizations was the optimally way of promoting the CRC, cooperating with the college and government was the necessarily strategies. 5. To promote the CRC, considering cultural differences, taking five domains of knowledge for CRC from InFRE, and added the new knowledge areas including marketing, program planning, counseling is necessary. 6. Training CRC should consider for the prior knowledge of learner and the practicability of courses. 7. The obstruction factors to promote the CRC including the immature market, lack of awareness in the retirement planning, personal income, and personal privacy. 8. Specific strategies to promote the CRC including marketing and researches, the certified system leading by government, enhancing the quality of certified system, choosing the high income groups as the target for pre- operating the retirement counseling, and established the protect system for personal privacy. Based on the study results, researcher proposes some suggestions for the government, institutions of higher education, and the organization to promote the CRC.


