  • 學位論文


On R.O.C Military Police’s Adjustments to the Role in the Category of National Security

指導教授 : 宋學文


隨著時代的演進,當今的安全議題已不再受限於傳統安全,而是逐漸延伸至政治、經濟、宗教、文化等領域,成為綜合性安全。像是911恐怖攻擊事件,就非單從傳統安全的角度可解析的。世界各國從冷戰後,因國際局勢的改組,非傳統安全威脅已成為各國追求國家安全的焦點,各國思索如何調整國安組織並進行改革。而我國的憲兵單位,一方面除了要因應改革所不能避免的組織調整,也要試圖從綜合性安全的角度,找到自己新的定位,並對此新定位做出適當之調適。 由於我國憲兵在職責與任務上,與軍隊、情治單位間有許多重疊之處,是故分析、比較三者在國家安全上的分工,可藉此釐清並界定憲兵在軍隊與警察間之關係。此外,也藉由此研究,探討憲兵與友軍單位,甚至是與情治單位合作之可能性,以期在組織變動、人力縮編之後,仍然能夠維持憲兵部隊一定的運作能力。此研究亦將從法律面討論憲兵之勤務,比較憲兵在各時期之任務演變,並做為未來與其他單位合作之依據與參考。 我國憲兵係為國軍部隊組成中的一環,也是國家安全體系中重要的軍司法機構。依據國軍的任務職掌與法令規章,平、戰時皆以擔負衛戍作戰任務、特種勤務、軍事警察、軍、司法警察、機場防衛以及反特攻作戰與支援三軍聯合作戰。近年來,天災頻繁,在災害救助部分,憲兵也適切支援各項救災任務。由此可見,憲兵在國家安全體系中有其一席之地。 每個時期我國的憲兵都非常盡責的扮演好自己的角色,憲兵更在其核心的任務執行上,突顯了自己在國軍甚至在國家、社會、政治、經濟環境發展中,一個無可取代的地位。在改革與再造的路途中,重新檢視自身存在的價值為何,並聚焦於此,賦予新的發展動力及方向。




As time progresses, the security issue is no longer limited in traditional security; it has extended and involved categories such as politics, economy, religion, culture, etc. The security issue now becomes comprehensive. For example, the 911 attacks can’t simply be categorized in traditional security. In response to the changes of international situation after the Cold War, countries worldwide are now focusing on the unconventional threats. Besides, the reformation and innovation of national security organizations has also become an important issue. As for R.O.C’s Military Police, except for the need to adapt to inevitable structural alterations, they have to search for a new position in view of comprehensive security, and to make appropriate adjustments to the new status. Because the duties and missions of R.O.C’s Military Police have much the same with the ones of the police’s and the army’s, the comparison and analysis of their works may help to clear the relationship among three of them. Besides, the possibilities of cooperation with the army or the intelligence bureau will also be discussed. The cooperative relationship may help to maintain Military Police’s efficiency after the alteration in organization and the reduction in human resources. Furthermore, this paper will discuss about Military Police’s duties in view of law, and will compare the evolution of the tasks in different periods. This may become the reference when the Military Police plans to cooperate with other units in the future. In R.O.C, our Military Police is not only part of the armed forces, but also an important security institution in the national security system. According to the missions regulated by laws and rules, the task of the Military Police includes garrison combat missions, special tasks, airport defense, anti-special forces, supporting combined operations, and being the role of military and judicial police. Recently, due to frequent natural disasters, the Military Police also provides supports to the areas that have gone through destruction. According to this, it is clear that the Military Police has its importance in the national security system. The Military Police in our country have played a good role since now and then. Through the execution of the core tasks, the Military Police shows their irreplaceable status in the development of country, society, politics, and economy. On the road of reforming and rebuilding, the Military Police have to reexamine the value of their existence, so as to acquire new impetus and new directions.


Military Police


U.S.Department of the Defense, Joint Doctrine for Military Operation Other Than War, Joint Put 3-07 (Washington,DC : U.S.Department of the Defense, 1995)
Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
Barry Buzan, People, States and Fear: The National Security Problem in International Relations. (Chapel Hil: The University of North Carolina Press, 1983)
