  • 學位論文


The Use of Integrative Reading and Writing Process-oriented Teaching Model of the Writing Class for Low-Grades Students

指導教授 : 林永豐


本研究旨在探討讀寫結合的過程導向寫作教學模式教學對低年級學生寫作能力之影響。研究者採用行動研究,以國小二年級學生為研究對象,共進行兩階段、六次的寫作教學活動,研究者在教學前、第一階段教學後、第二階段教學後均施以「國小兒童書寫語文能力診斷測驗」,其施測結果與其他相關資料,如:觀察記錄、省思札記、訪談記錄、寫作作品等皆為研究工具,研究者將蒐集的資料進行整理與分析,並透過資料的分析與詮釋,了解教學成效與學生的學習狀況。 本研究的結論如下: 一、 讀寫結合的過程導向寫作教學能提昇學生的寫作能力 研究者由學童六次的寫作作品,以及「國小兒童書寫語文能力診斷測驗」的測驗中發現,多數學童在「總字數」、「平均每句字數」、「造句商數」和「文意分數」等寫作能力都呈現進步的狀態,其中又以「總字數」、「文意層次」的進步最為顯著。 二、 讀寫結合的過程導向寫作教學模式的優點 讀寫結合的過程導向寫作教學模式串連了教師、學生和同儕,讓學生的學習來源從單向變為多向,學生的角色也從「單向的學」變為「雙向的教與學」。同儕間的討論與批改,讓學生間可以彼此模仿、激勵,能增強其寫作能力。而國語課內教材與寫作教學的讀寫結合,讓課文的閱讀與學習成為學生寫作的鷹架,教師不必再為作文課另起爐灶重新教起,因而可以降低教學負荷;而學生透過課文、範文,累積對寫作的主題豐富的寫作材料,在寫作時,便能輕鬆下筆,降低寫作時的焦慮,學生不僅寫得快、寫得好,而且也會比較有寫作意願與動機。 三、 實施讀寫結合教學的過程導向模式的缺點與困境 讀寫結合的過程導向寫作教學模式中的協助性學習單較多,使用上比較繁複,低年級學生需要多花些時間針對每種學習單練習,容易造成學生負擔。在同儕批改的過程中,分組的方式也值得注意,若同組中學生因速度與能力的懸殊,造成完成作文的時間差異過大,常影響到彼此修改、繳交時間,容易引發孩子間的關係緊張。而低年級因為其年齡與身心發展尚未成熟,較無法立即有顯著進步。另外,寫作教材的編寫耗時耗力,因此發展寫作教材與課程一日不做,教師樂意教學、學生喜愛寫作的願景恐怕難以實現。


The purpose of this study was to discuss impact of the integrative reading and writing process-oriented teaching model of the writing class on the writing skills of junior students. The researcher adopted action research where second-grade students in the elementary school were the subjects in the teaching activities with six writings in two stages; the researchers implemented “Written Language Ability Diagnostic Test for Children” prior to teaching, after the first-stage teaching and the second-stage teaching, where the results and other relevant information are discussed. Furthermore, all collected data were sorted out and analyzed for understanding the effects of teaching and students’ learning conditions.. The Study herein concluded: 1. The integrative reading and writing process-oriented teaching model of the writing class can improve students' writing skills. The findings in the six writing works performed by the students and the works in the " Written Language Ability Diagnostic Test for Children " indicated that a majority of students' writing skills have made progress in "Total Number of Word", “Average number of the word in each sentence", "Quotient of Making Sentence" and "Context Score”, among which "Total number of word" and “Context Score” have the most significant progress of all. 2. Advantages of integrative reading and writing process-oriented teaching model of the Writing Class Integrative reading and writing process-oriented teaching mode of the writing class connects teachers, students and peers, converting the students’ learning source from unilateral into multi-directional form, and the roles the students play also convert from unilateral into bilateral forms. Peers’ discussion enables students to imitate and motivate with each other for larger scope of learning the writing skills. Integrative reading and writing process in those Mandarin curricular materials and teaching mode of writing class facilitates lessons to become the scaffolds of students’ writing skills that teachers do not have to teach composition to start all over again, which can reduce down the load of teaching, while students are able to accumulate rich scope of materials in the writing themed for compositions through the lessons and templates, wherein these students can write without difficulties and anxiety may be reduced. 3. The Disadvantages and Shortcomings in the implementation of directional mode in the course of integrative reading and writing process of the teaching model. There are more auxiliary exercises in such integrative reading and writing process-oriented teaching model of the writing class which are in more complexity if in use; the students studying at low-grade class need to spend more time practicing each single exercise which may likely to cause the burden on these students. During Peers’ marking process, it is worthy to note the grouping manner where if the extinction of time frame for completing any composition might be caused by disparity in the speed and capability and it often affects the time in the correction and delivery mutually and leading to the relationship among children tense. Besides, due to peculiarity of development behind the age of those students studying at lower grades that even if it is correct to orient where the teaching model goes, it is unable to have instant progress significantly that the instructor should be patient in the guidance. In addition, the process of preparing these teaching materials for writing class is time-consuming and labor-intensive, which is lack of systematic chapter and sections leading to overload behind such writing class.


林怡伶(2008)。國小低年級學童病句分析。國立臺東大學語文教育學系碩士班 碩士論文。未出版。台東市
