  • 學位論文


Teaching Argumentation Through “Metaphors” : A Study In One High School Chinese Language Arts Classroom

指導教授 : 洪志成 曾玉村


本研究之目的為解決教學現場中學生論證寫作技巧欠缺的問題,並尋找一個與現有國文課堂所閱讀之文本內容相契合、使學生得以搭建論證與教師用以訓練論證能力的教學策略。研究者將Ivie隱喻模式轉化為論證架構,設計融入高中國文教學的循環式的三個主題課程,在南部某高中三年級共36位學生的一個班級,進行為期一個半月的教學研究,探究此一模式對學生在議論書寫方面的效用:(a)學生在縱與橫的論證寫作表現;(b)不同議論文本論證元素的辨識表現;(c)從隱喻階段出發的論證寫作表現。最後以寫作結果的質性分析為主,量的品質檢核為輔,研究工具包含:論證品質檢核表、課程回饋問卷的統計,及研究者的課堂觀察、札記省思、修正再評估,以期獲得相對客觀的研究結果。本研究獲得的結論如下: 1. 採取隱喻論證模式使學生增加面對議論寫作任務的信心。 2. 採用兩難抉擇情境的新型作文命題、小組合作討論、辯論等策略有助於學生產生換位思考與問題解決的意識。 3. 提供情境脈絡與教師示範促進學生在「命題」、「假定」、「隱喻」三個論證層次有所成長。 4. 將隱喻元素納入論證模式中,能促進學生對論證寫作的興趣,達到吸引讀者與影響他人的目的;唯學生辨識寓言議論文本和從隱喻階段出發進行論證寫作的表現普遍不佳且缺乏連貫性。 5. 隱喻論證模式進入學生對寫作的認知歷程中,形成議論文體知識。


The purpose of the study was to develop a model aiming at improving students' argumentative writing abilities. The investigator reviewed and adapted the Metaphor Model of Ivie’s (2001) into a Chinese literature classroom instruction framework. A 5-week instructional plan was developed, covering three thematic topics, to enhance students’ capabilities in (a) vertical and horizontal argumentative processes in problem-solving, (b) identifying the elements of formal argumentation for different argumentative texts, and (c) conducting argumentative writing based on stages of metaphor model. The participants came from an intact class of 36 eleven grade senior high students. The effects of instruction were evaluated mainly based on qualitative analysis and supplemented by quantitative analysis and all the data which came from checklist of argumentation process skills, feedback questionnaires, classroom-observation records, the instructor’s reflection journals, and interviews. The conclusions were as follows: 1. Students believed that the Ivie’s model helped their argumentative essay writings and made it more effective, fascinating, and persuasive. 2. It seemed useful to invite students to reflect on dilemma narratives, to work in groups, and to debate, which increased their sense of perspective –taking during problem-solving. 3. In addition to instructor’s scaffolding through thoughtful presentation of writing materials, authentic contexts were extremely beneficial for enhancing students’ argumentation process in terms of their abilities to identify propositions, assumptions, and metaphors. 4. Despite students showed positive attitude toward argumentation writing instructions in Chinese class, their performance in analyzing fables and writing an argumentative essay by applying such a metaphor framework still very weak and lack of coherence. 5. Ivie’s model influenced students’ conceptualization of argumentative writing and may be stored as s specific form of writing in their long-term memory.


Argumentation Metaphors


王開府 (2008)。心智圖與概念模組在語文閱讀與寫作思考教學之運用。國文學報,(43),263-296。
